@article{fdi:010055854, title = {{N}ew findings on {S}imalikalactone {D}, an antimalarial compound from {Q}uassia amara {L}. ({S}imaroubaceae)}, author = {{B}ertani, {S}t{\'e}phane and {H}ouel, {E}. and {J}ullian, {V}al{\'e}rie and {B}ourdy, {G}enevi{\`e}ve and {V}alentin, {A}. and {S}tien, {D}. and {D}eharo, {E}ric}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{Q}uassia amara {L} ({S}imaroubaceae) is a species widely used as tonic and is claimed to be an efficient antimalarial all over the {N}orthern part of the {A}mazon basin. {Q}uassinoid compound {S}imalikalactone {D} ({S}k{D}) has been shown to be one of the molecules responsible for the antiplasmodial activity of a watery preparation made out of juvenile fresh leaves of this plant. {B}ecause of its strong antimalarial activity, we decided to have a further insight of {S}k{D} pharmacological properties, alone or in association with classical antimalarials. {A}t concentrations of up to 200 mu {M}, we showed herein that {S}k{D} did not exert any apoptotic or necrotic activities in vitro on lymphoblastic cells. {H}owever, an antiproliferative effect was evident at concentrations higher than 45 n{M}. {S}k{D} was inefficient at inhibiting heme biomineralization and the new permeability pathways induced by the parasite in the host erythrocyte membrane. {W}ith respect to {P}lasmodium falciparum erythrocytic stages, {S}k{D} was almost inactive on earlier and later parasite stages, but potently active at the 30th h of parasite cycle when {DNA} replicates in mature trophozoites. {I}n vitro combination studies with conventional antimalarial drugs showed that {S}k{D} synergizes with atovaquone ({ATO}). {T}he activity of {ATO} on the {P}lasmodium mitochondrial membrane potential was enhanced by {S}k{D}, which on its own had a poor effect on this cellular parameter.}, keywords = {{A}ntimalarial ; {S}imalikalactone {D} ; {Q}uassinoid ; {P}lasmodium ; {Q}uassia amara ; {PEROU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}xperimental {P}arasitology}, volume = {130}, numero = {4}, pages = {341--347}, ISSN = {0014-4894}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1016/j.exppara.2012.02.013}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010055854}, }