@article{fdi:010055787, title = {{S}easonal variability of cohesive sediment aggregation in the {B}ach {D}ang-{C}am {E}stuary, {H}aiphong ({V}ietnam)}, author = {{L}efebvre, {J}ean-{P}ierre and {O}uillon, {S}ylvain and {V}u {D}uy {V}inh and {A}rfi, {R}obert and {P}anche, {J}ean-{Y}ves and {M}ari, {X}avier and {C}huan {V}an {T}huoc and {T}orr{\'e}ton, {J}ean-{P}ascal}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n the {B}ach {D}ang-{C}am {E}stuary, northern {V}ietnam, mechanisms governing cohesive sediment aggregation were investigated in situ in 2008-2009. {A}s part of the {R}ed {R}iver delta, this estuary exhibits a marked contrast in hydrological conditions between the monsoon and dry seasons. {T}he impact on flocculation processes was assessed by means of surveys of water discharge, suspended particulate matter concentration and floc size distributions ({FSD}s) conducted during a tidal cycle at three selected sites along the estuary. {A} method was developed for calculating the relative volume concentration for the modes of various size classes from {FSD}s provided by the {LISST} 100{X} ({S}equoia {S}cientific {I}nc.). {I}t was found that all {FSD}s comprised four modes identified as particles/flocculi, fine and coarse microflocs, and macroflocs. {U}nder the influence of the instantaneous turbulent kinetic energy, their proportions varied but without significant modification of their median diameters. {I}n particular, when the turbulence level corresponded to a {K}olmogorov microscale of less than similar to 235 mu m, a major breakup of flocs resulted in the formation of particles/flocculi and fine microflocs. {F}luctuations in turbulence level were governed by seasonal variations in freshwater discharge and by the tidal cycle. {D}uring the wet season, strong freshwater input induced a high turbulent energy level that tended to generate sediment transfer from the coarser size classes (macroflocs, coarse microflocs) to finer ones (particles/flocculi and fine microflocs), and to promote a transport of sediment seawards. {D}uring the dry season, the influence of tides predominated. {T}he turbulent energy level was then only episodically sufficiently high to generate transfer of sediment between floc size classes. {A}t low turbulent energy, modifications in the proportions of floc size classes were due to differential settling. {T}idal pumping produced a net upstream transport of sediment. {A}ssociated with the settling of sediment trapped in a near-bed layer at low turbulent energy, this causes the silting up of the waterways leading to the harbour of {H}aiphong.}, keywords = {{VIET} {NAM}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eo-{M}arine {L}etters}, volume = {32}, numero = {2}, pages = {103--121}, ISSN = {0276-0460}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1007/s00367-011-0273-8}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010055787}, }