@article{fdi:010055733, title = {{S}apphires related to alkali basalts from the {C}erova {H}ighlands, {W}estern {C}arpathians (southern {S}lovakia) : composition and origin}, author = {{U}her, {P}. and {G}iuliani, {G}aston and {S}zakall, {S}. and {F}allick, {A}. and {S}trunga, {V}. and {V}aculovic, {T}. and {O}zdin, {D}. and {G}reganova, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}lue, grey-pink and pink sapphires from the {C}erova {H}ighlands, {W}estern {C}arpathians (southern {S}lovakia) have been studied using {CL}, {LA}-{ICP}-{MS}, {EMPA}, and oxygen isotope methods. {T}he sapphire occurs as (1) elastic heavy mineral in the secondary sandy filling of a {P}liocene alkali basaltic maar at {H}ajnacka, and (2) crystals in a pyroxene-bearing syenite/anorthoclasite xenolith of {P}leistocene alkali basalt near {G}ortva. {C}ritical evaluation of compositional diagrams ({F}e, {T}i, {C}r, {G}a, {M}g contents, {F}e/{T}i, {C}r/{G}a, {G}a/{M}g ratios) suggests a magmatic origin for elastic blue sapphires with lower {C}r and {M}g, but higher {F}e and {T}i concentrations in comparison to the grey-pink and pink varietes, as well as similar compositional trends with blue sapphire from the {G}ortva magmatic xenolith. {M}oreover, blue sapphires show similar delta {O}-18 values: 5.1 parts per thousand in the {G}ortva xenolith, 3.8 and 5.85 parts per thousand in the {H}ajnacka placer, closely comparable to mantle to lower crustal magmatic rocks. {O}n the contrary, pink and grey-pink sapphires show higher {C}r and {M}g, but lower {F}e and {T}i contents and their composition points to a metamorphic (metasomatic) origin.}, keywords = {{W}estern {C}arpathians ; {S}lovakia ; {H}ajnacka ; {G}ortva ; {CL} ; {LA}-{ICP}-{MS} ; {EMPA} ; oxygen isotopes ; placer ; alkali basalts ; anorthoclasite xenolith ; corundum ; sapphire ; {SLOVAQUE} {REPUBLIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eologica {C}arpathica}, volume = {63}, numero = {1}, pages = {71--82}, ISSN = {1335-0552}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.2478/v10096-012-0005-7}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010055733}, }