@incollection{fdi:010055011, title = {{C}aract{\'e}risation de la s{\'e}cheresse hydropluviom{\'e}trique du {B}ani, principal affluent du fleuve {N}iger au {M}ali}, author = {{P}aturel, {J}ean-{E}mmanuel and {D}iawara, {A}. and {K}ong {A} {S}iou, {L}. and {T}alin, {E}meline and {F}erry, {L}. and {M}ah{\'e}, {G}il and {D}ezetter, {A}lain and {M}uther, {N}adine and {M}artin, {D}idier and {R}ouch{\'e}, {N}athalie and {L}'{A}our {C}res, {N}. and {S}{\'e}guis, {L}uc and {C}oulibaly, {N}. and {B}ahire {K}one, {S}. and {K}oite, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {}, keywords = {{COURS} {D}'{EAU} ; {SECHERESSE} ; {DEFICIT} {HYDRIQUE} ; {PLUVIOMETRIE} ; {DEBIT} ; {ECOULEMENT} ; {FACTEUR} {ANTHROPIQUE} ; {FACTEUR} {CLIMATIQUE} ; {AMENAGEMENT} {HYDROAGRICOLE} ; {ETIAGE} ; {EAU} {SOUTERRAINE} ; {CHANGEMENT} {CLIMATIQUE} ; {MALI} ; {BANI} {COURS} {SUPERIEUR} ; {NIGER} {BASSIN} {VERSANT}}, booktitle = {{G}lobal {C}hange : facing risks and threats to water resources : proceedings of the sixth world {FRIEND} conference}, numero = {340}, pages = {661--667}, address = {{W}allingford}, publisher = {{AISH}}, series = {{AISH} {P}ublication}, year = {2010}, ISBN = {978-1-907-161-13-1}, ISSN = {0144-7815}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010055011}, }