@article{fdi:010054376, title = {{A}gro-morphological characterization of a population of introgression lines derived from crosses between {IR} 64 ({O}ryza sativa indica) and {TOG} 5681 ({O}ryza glaberrima) for drought tolerance}, author = {{B}occo, {R}. and {L}orieux, {M}athias and {S}eck, {P}.{A}. and {F}utakuchi, {K}. and {M}anneh, {B}. and {B}aimey, {H}. and {N}djiondjop, {M}.{N}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he study evaluated effects of drought on some agro-morphological traits of 60 rice genotypes comprising 54 introgression lines with their parents, {IR} 64 ({O}ryza sativa) and {TOG} 5681 ({O}ryza glaberrima) and four {NERICA}-{L} varieties developed from the same parents for comparison. {T}he genotypes were subjected either to full irrigation from sowing to maturity (control) or to 21-day drought applied by stopping irrigation from the 45th day after sowing ({DAS}) onward (drought) in the dry seasons of 2006 and 2007-2008. {P}lant height, spikelet fertility, grain yield and leaf area at harvesting were consistently reduced by drought in both seasons. {V}alues of leaf temperature, leaf rolling, leaf tip drying, leaf blast, days from seeding to flowering and maturity were higher under drought. {T}he results on {SPAD} and number of tillers were not consistent. {S}ignificant relationship ({P} < 0.05) was observed between all traits evaluated and grain yield under drought. {I}ntrogression lines, {SEN}-{L}13-2, {MPL}-15-3, {SEN}-{L}10-1, {SEN}-{L}26-3 and {SEN}-{L}21-2 showed significantly higher yield than the highest yield {NERICA}-{L} variety (all of them had higher yield than the parents). {A}mong them, {SEN}-{L}13-2 showed the lowest yield loss by drought and {MPL}-15-3 had high yield potential and considerably low yield loss by drought.}, keywords = {{A}frica ; {D}rought tolerance ; {G}rain yield ; {I}ntrogression lines ; {O}ryza sativa {L}. ; {O}ryza glaberrima {S}teud ; {BENIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant {S}cience}, volume = {183}, numero = {}, pages = {65--76}, ISSN = {0168-9452}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1016/j.plantsci.2011.09.010}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010054376}, }