@article{fdi:010054342, title = {{C}oncentra{\c{c}}ão de íons na solu{\c{c}}ão de um latossolo vermelho sob diferentes sistemas de manejo}, author = {{L}opez de {O}liveira, {M}.{I}. and {B}ecquer, {T}hierry and {G}oedert, {W}.{J}. and {V}ilela, {L}. and {D}eleporte, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{POR}}, abstract = {{T}he objective of this work was to evaluate ion concentrations in an {O}xisol solution, in plots subjected to different management systems. {C}ontinuous crop and pasture, and the integrated crop-livestock management system were evaluated. {T}he experiment started in 1991, and the soil solutions were collected in 2005 and 2006. {C}eramic cups were installed at 20 and 150 cm soil depths, and the solutions were extracted six times each year. {T}he concentrations of {C}l(-), {SO}(4)(2-), {NO}(3)(-), {H}(2){PO}(4)(-), {K}(+), {M}g(2+), and {C}a(2+) were determined. {I}rrespective of the depths and cropping systems considered, the concentrations of ions into the soil solutions, in decreasing order, were: {NO}(3)(-)>{C}l(-)>{SO}(4)(2-)>{H}(2){PO}(4)(-) and {C}a(2)(+) >{K}(+) >{M}g(2+). {A}mong the cropping systems, the ion concentrations in the soil solution was higher in the continuous crop under conventional tillage, followed by the continuous crop under no-tillage, and finally by the integrated crop-livestock system and the continuous pasture. {A}t 150 cm depth, the ion concentrations in soil solutions under continuous pasture and integrated crop-livestock system were always low, which indicates a low leaching risk.}, keywords = {{C}errado ; crop-livestock system ; leaching ; pasture ; soil ; {BRESIL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}esquisa {A}gropecuaria {B}rasileira}, volume = {46}, numero = {10}, pages = {1291--1300}, ISSN = {0100-204{X}}, year = {2011}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010054342}, }