@article{fdi:010054341, title = {{Q}ualidade física do solo sob sistemas de integra{\c{c}}ão lavoura pecuária}, author = {{S}antos, {G}.{G}. and {M}archao, {R}.{L}. and {D}a {S}ilva, {E}.{M}. and {D}a {S}ilveira, {P}.{M}. and {B}ecquer, {T}hierry}, editor = {}, language = {{POR}}, abstract = {{T}he objective of this work was to evaluate the physical quality of soil in integrated crop-livestock systems ({ICL}) in comparison to continuous pasture and native {C}errado. {D}uring two years (2005 and 2006), soil samples from a clayed {R}hodic {F}erralsol were collected from two layers (0-20 and 70-80 cm), in six areas under different crop rotation and {ICL}. {C}ontinuous pasture and native {C}errado were used as reference. {T}he following physical and hydraulic properties were evaluated: bulk density, water saturation, total porosity, macroporosity, effective microporosity, effective saturation, lab and field-saturated hydraulic conductivity, and soil-water retention curve. {A}ll the cultivated systems caused impact on the physical and hydraulic properties of the 0-20 cm layer. {T}he continuous pasture provided the best soil physical quality. {I}n the comparison between years, only the soil under conventional tillage had its bulk density increased and its soil porosity decreased. {T}he pasture in the rotation system with {ICL}, even after four years, does not restore soil physical quality in comparison to continuous pasture.}, keywords = {hydraulic conductivity ; retention curve ; porosity ; crop rotation ; no-tillage system ; {BRESIL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}esquisa {A}gropecuaria {B}rasileira}, volume = {46}, numero = {10}, pages = {1339--1348}, ISSN = {0100-204{X}}, year = {2011}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010054341}, }