@article{fdi:010054291, title = {{P}hosphate determination in seawater : toward an autonomous electrochemical method}, author = {{J}onca, {J}. and {F}ernandez, {V}.{L}. and {T}houron, {D}. and {P}aulmier, {A}urelien and {G}raco, {M}. and {G}arcon, {V}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}nitial steps to create an autonomous in situ electrochemical sensor for orthophosphate determination in seawater are presented. {F}irst, the optimal conditions to form the molybdophosphate complex in artificial seawater medium were determined by addition of sulphuric acid and sodium molybdate to the solution containing orthophosphate. {S}econdly, the anodic oxidation of molybdenum to form molybdate ions and protons was used to create the molybdophosphate complex without addition of any liquid reagents. {T}he molybdophosphate complex is detectable by amperometry with an average precision of 2.2% for the concentration range found in the open ocean and the detection limit is 0.12 mu {M}. {T}hree solutions are proposed to address the silicate interferences issue and one of these methods is used for the natural samples collected in the coastal waters offshore {P}eru during the {P}elagico 1011-12-{BIC} {OLAYA} cruise in {N}ovember-{D}ecember 2010. {R}esults showed a good precision with an average of 2.5% and a reasonable deviation of the amperometric analysis as compared with colorimetric measurements (4.9%).}, keywords = {{P}hosphate ; {A}mperometry ; {V}oltammetry ; {M}olybdenum oxidation ; {PEROU} ; {PACIFIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}alanta}, volume = {87}, numero = {}, pages = {161--167}, ISSN = {0039-9140}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1016/j.talanta.2011.09.056}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010054291}, }