@article{fdi:010054275, title = {{G}enetic screening of functional properties of lactic acid bacteria in a fermented pearl millet slurry and in the metagenome of fermented starchy foods}, author = {{T}urpin, {W}illiams and {H}umblot, {C}hrist{\`e}le and {G}uyot, {J}ean-{P}ierre}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{L}actic acid bacteria ({LAB}) (n = 152) in {A}frican pearl millet slurries and in the metagenomes of amylaceous fermented foods were investigated by screening 33 genes involved in probiotic and nutritional functions. {A}ll isolates belonged to six species of the genera {P}ediococcus and {L}actobacillus, and {L}actobacillus fermentum was the dominant species. {W}e screened the isolates for the abilities to survive passage through the gastrointestinal tract and to synthesize folate and riboflavin. {T}he isolates were also tested in vitro for their abilities to survive exposure to bile salts and to survive at p{H} 2. {B}ecause the ability to hydrolyze starch confers an ecological advantage on {LAB} that grow in starchy matrixes as well as improving the nutritional properties of the gruels, we screened for genes involved in starch metabolism. {T}he results showed that genes with the potential ability to survive passage through the gastrointestinal tract were widely distributed among isolates and metagenomes, whereas in vitro tests showed that only a limited set of isolates, mainly those belonging to {L}. fermentum, could tolerate a low p{H}. {I}n contrast, the wide distribution of genes associated with bile salt tolerance, in particular bsh, is consistent with the high frequency of tolerance to bile salts observed. {G}enetic screening revealed a potential for folate and riboflavin synthesis in both isolates and metagenomes, as well as high variability among genes related to starch metabolism. {G}enetic screening of isolates and metagenomes from fermented foods is thus a promising approach for assessing the functional potential of food microbiotas.}, keywords = {{AFRIQUE} {SUBSAHARIENNE} ; {BURKINA} {FASO}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}pplied and {E}nvironmental {M}icrobiology}, volume = {77}, numero = {24}, pages = {8722--8734}, ISSN = {0099-2240}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1128/aem.05988-11}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010054275}, }