@article{fdi:010054266, title = {{N}ew and little known giant earthworms from {M}adagascar ({O}ligochaeta: {K}ynotidae)}, author = {{R}azafindrakoto, {M}. and {C}suzdi, {C}. and {B}lanchart, {E}ric}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}uring a survey of the soil macrofauna of {M}adagascar three giant earthworm species were collected in the eastern part of the island. {O}ne of them, {K}ynotus friderici {M}ichaelsen, 1931, is a known species described as {K}. longus var. friderici {M}ichaelsen, 1931 and elevated to species rank herein. {T}he other two species, {K}. giganteus sp. n. and {K}. proboscideus sp. n., proved to be new to science. {K}. giganteus measures alive 1350-1400 mm in length, 20-25 mm in diameter; {K}. proboscideus alive is ca 500-600 mm long and 15-20 mm in diameter. {A}ll worms belong to the {M}alagasy endemic family {K}ynotidae.}, keywords = {{O}ligochaeta ; {K}ynotidae ; earthworms ; {A}frotropical ; {M}adagascar ; new species ; endemics ; {MADAGASCAR}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}frican {I}nvertebrates}, volume = {52}, numero = {2}, pages = {285--294}, ISSN = {1681-5556}, year = {2011}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010054266}, }