@article{fdi:010054256, title = {{I}ron and aluminum forms and their relationship with texture, mineralogy and organic carbon in the {C}errado {O}xisol}, author = {{S}iquiera {V}endrame, {P}.{R}. and {E}berhardt, {D}.{N}. and {B}rito, {O}.{R}. and {M}archao, {R}.{L}. and {Q}uantin, {C}. and {B}ecquer, {T}hierry}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {O}xisols of the {C}errado region have a simple mineralogy, and are composed mainly of kaolinite and iron and aluminium oxides. {T}he aim of this work was to perform a sequential extraction of iron and aluminium and to relate them to texture, mineralogy and organic carbon in {O}xisols of the {C}errado region. {T}he soil samples, 35 in total, were taken from the 0-20 cm layer in {O}xisols under pasture located in the {B}razilian {C}errado {R}egion. {T}he levels of iron and aluminum extracted by full attack, dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate, ammonium oxalate and sodium pyrophosphate were analyzed according to the textural classes using the {K}ruskal-{W}allis nonparametric test. {T}hen these data were related to the mineralogy and organic carbon through a principal component analysis. {W}hatever the textures, iron oxides of high degree of crystallinity were the main form of iron and are positively correlated with the iron total content. {T}he aluminum oxides have a high affinity to organic carbon than iron oxides. {T}he levels of iron and aluminum extracted by sodium pyrophosphate were closely related to soil p{H}.}, keywords = {{S}equential extractions ; iron and aluminium oxides ; crystallinity ; {O}xisols ; {BRESIL} ; {CERRADO}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}emina-{C}iencias {A}grarias}, volume = {32}, numero = {{S}uppl. {S}}, pages = {1657--1665}, ISSN = {1676-546{X}}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.5433/1679-0359.2011v32{S}uplp1657}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010054256}, }