@article{fdi:010054144, title = {{S}patial patterns and scale-dependent relationships between macrozooplankton and fish in the {B}ay of {B}iscay : an acoustic study}, author = {{L}ezama-{O}choa, {A}inhoa and {B}allon, {M}. and {W}oillez, {M}. and {G}rados, {D}aniel and {I}rigoien, {X}. and {B}ertrand, {A}rnaud}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}acrozooplankton plays a key role in pelagic ecosystems as a link between lower trophic levels and fish. {H}owever, although its ecological role is usually considered in polar ecosystems, it is rarely considered in temperate ones. {T}o obtain comprehensive information on the macrozooplankton distribution in the {B}ay of {B}iscay we adapted a bi-frequency acoustic method developed for the {H}umboldt {C}urrent system. {T}his method can be used to extract continuous and simultaneous high-resolution information on the spatiotemporal patterns of biomass distributions of macrozooplankton and pelagic fish throughout the diel cycle. {T}he 2 distributions were mapped using geostatistical techniques. {W}e applied kriging with external drifts, which accounts for both diel and across-shore changes in macrozooplankton biomass. {W}e then used a cross-variogram to determine the scale-dependent relationships between macrozooplankton and fish. {T}he results show how macrozooplankton and fish are distributed according to the different ecological domains (coast, shelf, shelf-break and offshore) along the {S}panish and {F}rench coasts. {S}pecific macrozooplankton hotspots were observed, but macrozooplankton was generally more abundant offshore than inshore, whereas fish showed the opposite trend. {T}his pattern was confirmed by the aggregation sizes, which increased towards oceanic waters for macrozooplankton and decreased for fish. {F}inally, the correlation between fish and macrozooplankton was positive on a small scale (<30 nautical miles) and negative on a large scale (>30 nautical miles).}, keywords = {{M}acrozooplankton ; {P}elagic fish ; {A}coustics ; {S}patial pattern ; {S}cale-dependent interaction ; {B}ay of {B}iscay}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine {E}cology. {P}rogress {S}eries}, volume = {439}, numero = {}, pages = {151--168}, ISSN = {0171-8630}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.3354/meps09318}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010054144}, }