@article{fdi:010053863, title = {{D}iversity of response to {T}rypanosoma brucei gambiense infections in the {F}orecariah mangrove focus ({G}uinea) : perspectives for a better control of sleeping sickness}, author = {{I}lboudo, {H}. and {J}amonneau, {V}incent and {C}amara, {M}. and {C}amara, {O}. and {D}ama, {E}. and {L}eno, {M}. and {O}uendeno, {F}. and {C}ourtin, {F}abrice and {S}akande, {H}. and {S}anon, {R}. and {K}abore, {J}. and {C}oulibaly, {B}. and {N}'{D}ri, {L}. and {D}iarra, {A}. and {N}'{G}oran, {E}. and {B}ucheton, {B}runo}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}t a time when human {A}frican trypanosomiasis ({HAT}) elimination again seems a reachable goal in many parts of sub-{S}aharan {A}frica, it is becoming increasingly important to characterise the factors involved in disease resurgence or maintenance to develop sustainable control strategies. {I}n this study conducted in the {F}orecariah mangrove focus in {G}uinea, {HAT} patients and serological suspects ({SERO}) were identified through mass screening of the population with the {C}ard {A}gglutination {T}est for {T}rypanosomiasis ({CATT}) and were followed up for up to 2 years. {A}nalysis of the samples collected during the follow-up of {HAT} patients and {SERO} was performed with {PCR} ({TBR}1/{TBR}2) and the trypanolysis serological test ({TL}) in order to clarify the role played by these individuals in the epidemiology of {HAT}. {PCR} positivity was higher in {TL}+ than in {SERO} {TL}- (50% vs. 18%, respectively). {W}hereas {CATT} plasma titres decreased both in treated {HAT} patients and {SERO} {TL}-, {SERO} {TL}+ maintained high {CATT} titres. {F}our out of 17 {SERO} {TL}+ developed {HAT} during the study. {T}hese results strongly suggest that {SERO} {TL}+ individuals are asymptomatic carriers. {I}n the context where disease prevalence is sufficiently low, treating {SERO} {TL}+ individual may thus be of crucial importance in order to cut transmission.}, keywords = {{H}uman {A}frican trypanosomiasis ; {E}pidemiology ; {T}rypanosoma brucei ; gambiense ; {H}ost response ; {C}ontrol strategy}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}icrobes and {I}nfection}, volume = {13}, numero = {11}, pages = {943--952}, ISSN = {1286-4579}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1016/j.micinf.2011.05.007}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053863}, }