@article{fdi:010053857, title = {{C}linical pleiomorphism in human leishmaniases, with special mention of asymptomatic infection}, author = {{B}anuls, {A}nne-{L}aure and {B}astien, {P}. and {P}omares, {C}. and {A}revalo, {J}. and {F}isa, {R}. and {H}ide, {M}allorie}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his review gives an update of current knowledge on the clinical pleiomorphism of {L}eishmania, with a special emphasis on the case of asymptomatic carriage. {T}he first part describes the numerous unusual expressions of the disease that occur besides the classic ( visceral, cutaneous, and mucocutaneous) forms of leishmaniases. {T}he second part deals with progress in the understanding of disease outcome in humans, and the possible future approaches to improve our knowledge in the field. {T}he third part highlights the role of the too often neglected asymptomatic carrier compartment. {T}his group could be key to understanding infraspecific differences in virulence and pathogenicity of the parasite, as well as identifying the genetic determinants involved in the expression of the disease.}, keywords = {{A}symptomatic carriage ; clinical diversity ; host susceptibility ; immune response ; {L}eishmania ; parasite genetic diversity ; unusual clinical forms}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}linical {M}icrobiology and {I}nfection}, volume = {17}, numero = {10}, pages = {1451--1461}, ISSN = {1198-743{X}}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1469-0691.2011.03640.x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053857}, }