@article{fdi:010053817, title = {{C}ompatibility among entomopathogenic hyphocreales and two beneficial insects used to control {T}rialeurodes vaporariorum ({H}emiptera : {A}leurodidae) in {M}editerranean greenhouses}, author = {{H}amdi, {F}. and {F}argues, {J}. and {R}idray, {G}. and {J}eannequin, {B}. and {B}onato, {O}livier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he effect of the combined use of {E}ncarsia formosa or {M}acrolophus caliginosus and one of three marketed mycoinsecticides, {M}ycotal ({R}) ({L}eucanicillium muscarium-based), {N}aturalis-{L} ({TM}) ({B}eauveria bassiana-based) and {P}re{F}e{R}al ({R}) ({I}saria fumosorosea-based), on the control of the whitefly, {T}rialeurodes vaporariorum, was studied under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. {T}he results of both types of tests, the bioassays and the greenhouse trials, for all combinations of {E}. {F}ormosa with each of the three mycoinsecticides showed that the total mortality of larval populations of {T}. vaporariorum was not affected. {T}he mortality of {T}. vaporariorum larvae treated in the second instar revealed the capacity for both {B}. bassiana- and {L} muscarium-based formulations and {E}. formosa to kill the host either separately or in association. {B}ecause of its higher pathogenic activity (under our test conditions), {L} muscarium provoked a large proportion of mycoses in larvae exposed to parasitization. {I}n contrast, the efficacy of parasitization was higher in larvae treated with {B}. bassiana and exposed to {E}. formosa because of a lower pathogenic activity of the fungus. {B}ioassays carried out with third-instar larvae of {T}. vaporariorum showed a low susceptibility to both tested fungi. {C}onsequently, mortalities recorded in larvae subjected to the combined treatments by consecutive exposures or at 2-4 days post-parasitization were mainly caused by the development of the parasitoid. {G}reenhouse trials showed that fungus-induced mortality of {T}. vaporariorum in plants treated with {L} muscarium, {I}. fumosorosea, and {B}. {B}assiana was significant compare to control. {L} muscarium, {B}. bassiana and {I}. fumosorosea killed young whitefly larvae and limited parasitization to 10% or less. {S}econd-instar larvae of {M}. caliginosus were not susceptible to {L}. muscarium and {B}. bassiana formulations with any mode of contamination: direct spraying of larvae, spraying on the foliar substrate or by contaminated {T}. vaporariorum prey. {I}n greenhouse trials, {M}. caliginosus populations treated with fungi were not significantly affected compared to controls.}, keywords = {{T}rialeurodes vaporariorum ; {B}eauveria bassiana ; {L}ecanicillium muscarium (formerly {V}erticillium lecanii) ; {E}ncarsia formosa ; {M}acrolophus caliginosus ; {C}ompatibility}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {I}nvertebrate {P}athology}, volume = {108}, numero = {1}, pages = {22--29}, ISSN = {0022-2011}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jip.2011.05.018}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053817}, }