@article{fdi:010053756, title = {{O}ptimal number of sites in multi-site fisheries with fish stock dependent migrations}, author = {{M}oussaoui, {A}. and {A}uger, {P}ierre and {L}ett, {C}hristophe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e present a stock-effort dynamical model of a fishery subdivided into fishing zones. {T}he stock corresponds to a fish population moving between these zones, on which they are harvested by fishing fleets. {W}e consider a linear chain of identical fishing zones. {F}ish movements between the zones, as well as vessels displacements, are assumed to take place at a faster time scale than the variation of the stock and the change of the fleet size. {T}he vessels movements between the fishing areas are assumed to be stock dependent, i.e. the larger the stock density is in a zone the more vessels tends to remain in it. {W}e take advantage of these two time scales to derive a reduced model governing the dynamics of the total harvested stock and the total fishing effort. {U}nder some assumption, we obtain either a stable equilibrium or a stable limit cycle which involves large cyclic variations of the total fish stock and fishing effort. {W}e show that there exists an optimal number of fishing zones that maximizes the total catch at equilibrium. {W}e discuss the results in relation to fish aggregating devices ({FAD}s) fisheries.}, keywords = {{P}opulation dynamics ; stock-effort model ; {T}ime scales ; aggregation of ; variables ; stability}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}athematical {B}iosciences and {E}ngineering}, volume = {8}, numero = {3}, pages = {769--783}, ISSN = {1547-1063}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.3934/mbe.2011.8.769}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053756}, }