@article{fdi:010053709, title = {{B}radyrhizobium canariense and {B}radyrhizobium japonicum are the two dominant rhizobium species in root nodules of lupin and serradella plants growing in {E}urope}, author = {{S}tepkowski, {T}. and {Z}ak, {M}. and {M}oulin, {L}ionel and {K}roliczak, {J}. and {G}olinska, {B}. and {N}arozna, {D}. and {S}afronova, {V}. {I}. and {M}adrzak, {C}. {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}orty three {B}radyrhizobium strains isolated in {P}oland from root nodules of lupin species ({L}upinus albus, {L}. angustifolius and {L}. luteus), and pink serradella ({O}rnithopus sativus) were examined based on phylogenetic analyses of three housekeeping (atp{D}, gln{II} and rec{A}) and nodulation (nod{A}) gene sequences. {A}dditionally, seven strains originating from root-nodules of yellow serradella ({O}. compressus) from {A}sinara {I}sland ({I}taly) were included in this study. {P}hylogenetic trees revealed that 15 serradella strains, including all yellow serradella isolates, and six lupin strains grouped in {B}radyrhizobium canariense ({BC}) clade, whereas eight strains from pink serradella and 15 lupin strains were assigned to {B}radyrhizobium japonicum ({BJ}1). {A}pparently, these species are the two dominant groups in soils of central {E}urope, in the nodules of lupin and serradella plants. {O}nly three strains belonged to other chromosomal lineages: one formed a cluster that was sister to {B}. canariense, one strain grouped outside the branch formed by {B}. japonicum super-group, and one strain occupied a distant position in the genus {B}radyrhizobium, clustering with strains of the {R}hodopseudomonas genus. {A}ll strains in nodulation nod{A} gene tree grouped in a cluster referred to as {C}lade {II}, which is in line with earlier data on this clade dominance among {B}radyrhizobium strains in {E}urope. {T}he nod{A} tree revealed four well-supported subgroups within {C}lade {II} ({II}.1-{II}.4). {I}nterestingly, all {B}. canariense strains clustered in subgroup {II}.1 whereas {B}. japonicum strains dominated subgroups {II}.2-{II}.4.}, keywords = {{B}radyrhizobium ; {L}upin ; noda gene ; {P}hylogeny ; {S}erradella}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}ystematic and {A}pplied {M}icrobiology}, volume = {34}, numero = {5}, pages = {368--375}, ISSN = {0723-2020}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1016/j.syapm.2011.03.002}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053709}, }