@article{fdi:010053639, title = {{M}orphological reinforcement, ancient introgressive hybridization and species delimitation in {A}frican stem-borer species of the genus {S}esamia {G}uen{\'e}e ({L}epidoptera : {N}octuidae)}, author = {{M}oyal, {P}ascal and {L}e {R}u, {B}runo and {V}an den {B}erg, {J}. and {R}atnadass, {A}. and {C}ugala, {D}. and {M}atama-{K}auma, {T}. and {P}allangyo, {B}. and {C}onlong, {D}. and {D}efabachew, {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}pecies delimitation, an issue central to systematics and biodiversity studies, is addressed in the epunctifera group of the stem borer genus {S}esamia {G}uenee ({L}epidoptera: {N}octuidae). {T}his group is composed of four sub-{S}aharan species: {S}esamia poephaga {T}ams & {B}owden; {S}esamia epunctifera {H}ampson; {S}esamia penniseti {T}ams & {B}owden; and {S}esamia poebora {T}ams & {B}owden, the taxonomic status of which was unclear. {T}he first species was considered a possible synonym of the second, and the third species was considered a possible synonym of the fourth. {A}n analysis combining morphological, ecological and molecular data enables us to conclude that {S}. epunctifera and {S}. poephaga are different species, and that {S}. poebora is a synonym of {S}. penniseti. {T}wo new species were discovered: {S}esamia firmata sp.n. and {S}esamia veronica sp.n. {S}esamia firmata sp.n. has atypical genitalic morphology, suggesting a strong selection resulting in a reinforcement of pre-zygotic isolation. {S}ome specimens previously identified as {S}. penniseti on the basis of morphology are sisters to {S}. epunctifera on the mitochondrial tree, and are connected to {S}. penniseti on the nuclear tree. {T}he mitochondrial distance from {S}. penniseti and {S}. epunctifera is 7.6% and 3.9%, respectively, suggesting an ancient mitochondrial introgression from {S}. epunctifera into {S}. penniseti. {T}he possible causes of the reinforcement and introgressive hybridization are discussed. {T}his case of mitochondrial introgression, uncommon in {L}epidoptera, in which females are the heterogametic sex, may be an exception to {H}aldane's rule. {T}he hybrid is assigned the rank of species and named {S}esamia pennipuncta sp.n.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}ystematic {E}ntomology}, volume = {36}, numero = {3}, pages = {421--434}, ISSN = {0307-6970}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1365-3113.2011.00570.x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053639}, }