@article{fdi:010053541, title = {{P}redicting richness effects on ecosystem function in natural communities : insights from high-elevation streams}, author = {{D}angles, {O}livier and {C}respo-{P}erez, {V}eronica and {A}ndino, {P}. and {E}spinosa, {R}. and {C}alvez, {R}oger and {J}acobsen, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}espite the increased complexity of experimental and theoretical studies on the biodiversity-ecosystem functioning ({B}-{EF}) relationship, a major challenge is to demonstrate whether the observed importance of biodiversity in controlled experimental systems also persists in nature. {D}ue to their structural simplicity and their low levels of human impacts, extreme species-poor ecosystems may provide new insights into {B}-{EF} relationships in natural systems. {W}e address this issue using shredder invertebrate communities and organic matter decomposition rates in 24 high-altitude (3200-3900 m) {N}eotropical streams as a study model. {W}e first assessed the effects of stream characteristics and shredder diversity and abundance on organic matter decomposition rates in coarse-and fine-mesh bags. {W}e found the interaction term shredder richness x shredder abundance had the most significant impact on decomposition rates in the field, although water discharge may also play a role locally. {W}e also examined the relative contribution of the three most abundant shredders on decomposition rates by manipulating shredder richness and community composition in a field experiment. {T}ransgressive overyielding was detected among the three shredder species, indicating complementary resource use and/or facilitation. {B}y integrating survey and experimental data in surface response analyses we found that observed {B}-{EF} patterns fit those predicted by a linear model that described litter decomposition rates as a function of increasing shredder richness and the relative abundance of the most efficient shredders. {F}inally, the validity of our approach was tested in a broader context by using two independent but comparable data sets from 49 {F}rench and {S}wedish streams showing more complex shredder community structure. {R}esults revealed that richness and identity effects on decomposition rates were lost with increasing shredder community complexity. {O}ur approach of combining experimental and empirical data with modeling in species-poor ecosystems may serve as an impetus for new {B}-{EF} studies. {I}f theory can explain {B}-{EF} in low-diversity ecosystems, it may also have credibility in more complex ones.}, keywords = {{A}kaike criterion ; biodiversity-ecosystem function ; {E}cuadorian ; high-altitude streams ; species-poor ecosystems ; surface response analysis}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}cology}, volume = {92}, numero = {3}, pages = {733--743}, ISSN = {0012-9658}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1890/10-0329.1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053541}, }