@article{fdi:010053414, title = {{X}enic culturing of plant-parasitic nematodes : artificial substrates better than soil-based culture systems ?}, author = {{Q}u{\'e}n{\'e}herv{\'e}, {P}atrick and {M}arie-{L}uce, {S}. and {S}almon, {F}. and {B}arri{\`e}re, {V}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{X}enic culturing of plant-parasitic nematodes is a common laboratory technique to rear individuals on a plant host in a totally controlled environment. {I}n 1999, {R}eversat et al. replaced sterilized soil by artificial substrate consisting of sand and a water absorbent polymer ({SAP}) allowing xenic culturing of tropical nematode species even if native soil was not available. {T}he aim of this study was to demonstrate how the use of artificial substrate in xenic culturing can affect the multiplication of the most harmful pests of bananas: the burrowing nematode {R}adopholus similis and the lesion nematode {P}ratylenchus coffeae. {T}he effects of native sterilized soil and {SAP} substrate on the growth of three cultivars of banana and on the multiplication rate of {R}. similis and {P}. coffeae were examined. {T}he use of {SAP} substrate induced a faster development of root and aerial systems of bananas. {D}epending on cultivar, the population densities of {R}. similis were 43 to 1,102% higher when grown in {SAP} substrate than in native sterilized soil. {O}nly in the case of one cultivar, the multiplication of {P}. coffeae was significantly higher on sterilized soil substrate than on {SAP} substrate. {W}e conclude that xenic culturing performed with {SAP} substrate is a very convenient laboratory technique for multiplication of plant-parasitic nematodes in the absence of native soil and a practical way to standardize controlled experimental conditions.}, keywords = {{A}rtificial substrate ; {B}anana ; {N}ematodes ; {P}ratylenchus coffeae ; {R}adopholus similis ; {X}enic cultivation}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{N}ematropica}, volume = {40}, numero = {2}, pages = {269--274}, ISSN = {0099-5444}, year = {2010}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053414}, }