@article{fdi:010053409., title = {{F}onction puits de carbone des taillis d'eucalyptus {\`a} {M}adagascar}, author = {{R}azakamanarivo, {R}amarson {H}erintsitohaina and {R}azafindrakoto, {M}. {A}. and {A}lbrecht, {A}lain}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{F}orest ecosystems have an important role in helping to fight climate change because of their large potential for storing organic carbon ({C}) in their different compartments (aerial parts, roots, litter and soil). {C}oncerning land use change and forestry, the recommendation is to make exact measurements of carbon stocks in these compartments. {A} study was made for this purpose, to determine the carbon-fixing capacities of eucalyptus coppice plantations (20 to 111 years old) in the {C}entral {U}plands of {M}adagascar, in comparison with other types of land use (pseudo-steppe, crop/fallow rotation). {F}ollowing destructive biomass measurements and soil sampling, allometric equations were developed and laboratory analyses performed (determination of carbon content, isotopic analyses). {T}aking all tree ages together, eucalyptus coppices contain the largest stocks of carbon (150.8 +/-25.3 {M}g{C}/ha as against 112 +/- 15 and 72.3 +/-9.9 {M}g{C}/ha for pseudo-steppe and crop/fallow rotation respectively). {A}mong all use types, the soil compartment is the largest carbon reservoir, with 56 % in eucalyptus stands and over 96 % in the other cases. {T}hese eucalyptus plantations store carbon more efficiently than other land uses (44 {M}g{C}/ha for eucalyptus as against 2 {M}g{C}/ha) mainly thanks to the stump and lignified roots of the trees. {H}owever, according to the isotopic analysis, soil carbon derived from eucalyptus is only dominant on the surface, probably because of the coppice management method. {O}ther factors besides plantation age, such as altitude and soil morphology, also need to be considered to understand the dynamics of the carbon stocks measured.}, keywords = {organic carbon in soils ; isotope {C}-13 ; root system biomass ; land use ; change ; chronosequence ; carbon sequestration ; {M}adagascar}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}ois et {F}or{\^e}ts des {T}ropiques}, numero = {305}, pages = {5--19}, ISSN = {0006-579{X}}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.19182/bft2010.305.a20438}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053409.}, }