@article{fdi:010053408, title = {{L}es relictes foresti{\`e}res de la falaise de {B}anfora : un peuplement original au voisinage de {B}obo-{D}ioulasso, {B}urkina {F}aso}, author = {{C}{\'e}sar, {J}. and {B}ouyer, {J}. and {G}ranjon, {L}aurent and {A}koudjin, {M}. and {G}uerrini, {L}. and {L}ouppe, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{T}he {B}anfora cliff are home to a wealth of flora and fauna. {E}ndemic species are found in its forests, as well as species of outstanding interest such as {A}lbizia dinklagei, {A}cridocarpus chevalieri or {W}arneckea fascicularis, which are found nowhere else in {B}urkina-{F}aso. {T}his is also the case with some insect species, such as {D}icronorhina kouensis or {S}tephanorhina guttata. {H}owever, these forests are under threat, especially around {B}obo-{D}ioulasso where the native fauna has already become partly extinct. {C}omparisons were made between the {B}anfora cliff sites and between these and other forest sites in the {B}obo-{D}ioulasso region. {B}iological diversity is very high among these forests, and the dispersion of species suggests that they are remnants of much larger forest areas. {T}he forest vegetation on the cliffs appears to be of three types: dense dry forest, characterised by {G}uibourtia copallifera, which may represent the original old-growth forest stock before it was invaded by savannah vegetation; dense humid forest, represented by most of the riparian species, which probably evolved along the river network from the humid forest mass; and relict old-growth mountain flora that depends on the sandstone cliff environment, with {W}arneckea fascicularis, to which rock species could be attached, as the sole representative. {T}he rodent community in the {B}anfora cliff forest sites is a mixture of typically forest-dwelling species (particularly {P}raomys rostratus) in the least disturbed zones and highly anthropophilous species (like {R}attus rattus) in the sites most severely degraded by human activities. {M}ost insect species probably originated in the humid forests of {C}ote d'{I}voire, with some influence from {M}ali, like {C}oeliades aeschylus, or {T}ogo, like {D}icronorhina kouensis, both of which tend to be found in the {G}uinean savannah zone close to gallery forests. {A}s these species are neither found in the {S}outh, nor respectively in the {E}ast and the {W}est of {B}urkina {F}aso, the {B}anfora cliffs may be a meeting point for different types of fauna, hence its outstanding biodiversity interest.}, keywords = {sandstone cliff ; dynamics ; vegetation ; bioindicator ; small mammals ; insects}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}ois et {F}or{\^e}ts des {T}ropiques}, numero = {305}, pages = {43--55}, ISSN = {0006-579{X}}, year = {2010}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053408}, }