@article{fdi:010053402, title = {{E}ffects of organic and inorganic fertilization on soil bacterial and fungal microbial diversity in the {K}abete long-term trial, {K}enya}, author = {{K}amaa, {M}. and {M}buru, {H}. and {B}lanchart, {E}ric and {C}hibole, {L}. and {C}hotte, {J}ean-{L}uc and {K}ibunja, {C}. and {L}esueur, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he effects of crop manure and inorganic fertilizers on composition of microbial communities of central high land soils of {K}enya are poorly known. {F}or this reason, we have carried out a thirty-two-year-old long-term trial in {K}abete, {K}enya. {T}hese soils were treated with organic (maize stover ({MS}) at 10 t ha(-1), farmyard manure ({FYM}) at 10 t ha(-1)) and inorganic fertilizers 120 kg {N}, 52.8 kg {P} ({N}2{P}2), {N}2{P}2 + {MS}, {N}2{P}2 + {FYM}, a control, and a fallow for over 30 years. {W}e examined 16{S} r{RNA} gene and 28{S} r{RNA} gene fingerprints of bacterial and fungal diversity by {PCR} amplification and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis separation, respectively. {T}he {PCR} bacterial community structure and diversity were negatively affected by {N}2{P}2 and were more closely related to the bacterial structure in the soils without any addition (control) than that of soils with a combination of inorganic and organic or inorganic fertilizers alone. {T}he effect on fungal diversity by {N}2{P}2 was different than the effect on bacterial diversity since the fungal diversity was similar to that of the {N}2{P}2 + {FYM} and {N}2{P}2 + {MS}-treated. {H}owever, soils treated with organic inputs clustered away from soils amended with inorganic inputs. {O}rganic inputs had a positive effect on both bacterial and fungal diversity with or without chemical fertilizers. {R}esults from this study suggested that total diversity of bacterial and fungal communities was closely related to agro-ecosystem management practices and may partially explain the yield differences observed between the different treatments.}, keywords = {{O}rganic and inorganic amendments ; {M}icrobial diversity}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iology and {F}ertility of {S}oils}, volume = {47}, numero = {3}, pages = {315--321}, ISSN = {0178-2762}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1007/s00374-011-0539-3}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053402}, }