@article{fdi:010053371, title = {190 years of {S}argassum taxonomy, facing the advent of {DNA} phylogenies}, author = {{M}attio, {L}ydiane and {P}ayri, {C}laude}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}argassum {C}. {A}gardh is one of the morphologically most complex phaeophyceaen genera and represents the most species-rich genus of the brown algal order {F}ucales {B}ory de {S}aint-{V}incent ({P}haeophyceae). {T}he genus' classification system dates back to the 19th century and is based on observed differences in macro-morphological characters. {T}hose morphological characters may display important variation within individual species, and several authors have linked the taxonomic complexity of the genus to its highly polymorphic nature and phenotypic plasticity. {A}mong the large choice of existing species and subspecies epithets (about 1000), identifying taxa accurately is a difficult task, often relying on authors' interpretation of short {L}atin diagnoses or descriptions published in local {F}loras. {R}ecently, the study of individual species' morphological range and {DNA} phylogenies underlined inconsistencies within low taxonomic levels (sections, subsections, series and species groups). {R}esults highlighted the weak taxonomic value of traditional characters used to classify species, and pointed out significant taxonomic issues. {T}he four {S}argassum subgenera ({S}. subgen. {A}rthrophycus, {B}actrophycus, {S}argassum and {P}hyllotrichia) are now subdivided into a total of 12 sections and further subdivisions were abandoned. {T}wo possible new sections need to be assessed. {I}n the present paper, we raise the hypothesis that {S}. subgen. {A}rthrophycus could be merged to {S}. subgen. {B}actrophycus, and that {S}. subgen. {P}hyllotrichia could be transferred to the recently reinstated genus {S}argassopsis {T}revisan. {W}e also propose that two sections of the {S}. subgen. {B}actrophycus: {S}. sect. {H}alochloa and {R}epentia be merged. {A} summary of the actual classification is given along with an identification key for {S}argassum subdivisions.}, keywords = {{C}lassification ; {DNA} markers ; {F}ucales ; {S}ection ; {S}ystematic ; {T}axonomic review}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}otanical {R}eview}, volume = {77}, numero = {1}, pages = {31--70}, ISSN = {0006-8101}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1007/s12229-010-9060-x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053371}, }