@article{fdi:010053366, title = {{S}elected pioneering works on humus in soils and sediments during the 20th century : a retrospective look from the {I}nternational {H}umic {S}ubstances {S}ociety view}, author = {{F}eller, {C}hristian and {B}rossard, {M}ichel and {C}hen, {Y}. and {L}anda, {E}. {R}. and {T}richet, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}rganic matter in general, and humic substances ({HS}) in particular, are involved in many processes in soils, sediments, rocks and natural waters. {T}hese include rock weathering, plant nutrition, p{H} buffering, trace metal mobility and toxicity, bioavailability, degradation and transport of hydrophobic organic chemicals, formation of disinfection by-products during water treatment, heterotrophic production in blackwater ecosystems and, more generally, the global carbon cycle. {B}efore the 1970s, natural organic matter of different ecosystem pools (i.e., soils, sediments, and natural waters) was often studied in isolation, although many similarities exist between them. {T}his is particularly so for {HS}. {I}n this historical context, a need appeared at the international level for bringing together environmental chemists, soil scientists, hydrologists, and geologists who were interested in {HS} to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, to standardize analytical procedures and agree on definitions of {HS}. {T}he {I}nternational {H}umic {S}ubstances {S}ociety ({IHSS}) was founded in {D}enver, {C}olorado ({USA}) in 1981 with several objectives among them "to bring together scientists in the coal, soil, and water sciences with interests in humic substances" (home page of the {IHSS} web site: http://ihss.gatech.edu/ihss2/index.html). {T}his paper presents selected pioneering works on humus in soils and sediments during the 20th century with a special focus on the links between the studies of soil {HS} and the formation, during early diagenesis, of the precursors of kerogens. {T}emporal coverage includes key contributions preceding the founding of the {IHSS}, and a brief history of the organization is presented.}, keywords = {{H}umic substances ; {S}oil ; {S}ediment ; {O}rganic geochemistry}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}hysics and {C}hemistry of the {E}arth}, volume = {35}, numero = {15-18}, pages = {903--912}, ISSN = {1474-7065}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.1016/j.pce.2010.10.004}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053366}, }