@article{fdi:010053269, title = {{D}etection of {E}bola virus in oral fluid specimens during outbreaks of {E}bola virus hemorrhagic fever in the republic of {C}ongo}, author = {{F}ormenty, {P}. and {L}eroy, {E}ric and {E}pelboin, {A}. and {L}ibama, {F}. and {L}enzi, {M}. and {S}udeck, {H}. and {Y}aba, {P}hilippe and {A}llarangar, {Y}. and {B}oumandouki, {P}. and {N}kounkou, {V}.{B}. and {D}rosten, {C}. and {G}rolla, {A}. and {F}eldmann, {H}. and {R}oth, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground. {P}atients who have refused to provide blood samples has meant that there have been significant delays in confirming outbreaks of {E}bola virus hemorrhagic fever ({EVHF}). {D}uring the 2 {EVHF} outbreaks in the {R}epublic of {C}ongo in 2003, we assessed the use of oral fluid specimens versus serum samples for laboratory confirmation of cases of {EVHF}. {M}ethods. {S}erum and oral fluid specimens were obtained from 24 patients with suspected {E}bola and 10 healthy control subjects. {S}pecimens were analyzed for immunoglobulin {G} antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ({ELISA}) and for {E}bola virus by antigen detection {ELISA} and reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction ({RT}-{PCR}). {O}ral fluid specimens were collected with a commercially available collection device. {R}esults. {W}e failed to detect antibodies against {E}bola in the oral fluid specimens obtained from patients whose serum samples were seropositive. {A}ll patients with positive serum {RT}-{PCR} results also had positive results for their oral fluid specimens. {C}onclusions. {T}his study demonstrates the usefulness of oral fluid samples for the investigation of {E}bola outbreaks, but further development in antibodies and antigen detection in oral fluid specimens is needed before these samples are used for filovirus surveillance activities in {A}frica.}, keywords = {{REPUBLIQUE} {DEMOCRATIQUE} {DU} {CONGO}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}linical {I}nfectious {D}iseases}, volume = {42}, numero = {11}, pages = {1521--1526}, ISSN = {1058-4838}, year = {2006}, DOI = {10.1086/503836}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053269}, }