@article{fdi:010053142, title = {{B}reakpoint structure of the {A}nopheles gambiae 2{R}b chromosomal inversion}, author = {{L}obo, {N}. {F}. and {S}angare, {D}. {M}. and {R}egier, {A}. {A}. and {R}eidenbach, {K}. {R}. and {B}retz, {D}. {A}. and {S}harakhova, {M}. {V}. and {E}mrich, {S}. {J}. and {T}raore, {S}. {F}. and {C}ostantini, {C}arlo and {B}esansky, {N}. {J}. and {C}ollins, {F}. {H}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {A}lternative arrangements of chromosome 2 inversions in {A}nopheles gambiae are important sources of population structure, and are associated with adaptation to environmental heterogeneity. {T}he forces responsible for their origin and maintenance are incompletely understood. {M}olecular characterization of inversion breakpoints provides insight into how they arose, and provides the basis for development of molecular karyotyping methods useful in future studies. {M}ethods: {S}equence comparison of regions near the cytological breakpoints of 2{R}b allowed the molecular delineation of breakpoint boundaries. {C}omparisons were made between the standard 2{R}+(b) arrangement in the {A}n. gambiae {PEST} reference genome and the inverted 2{R}b arrangements in the {A}n. gambiae {M} and {S} genome assemblies. {S}equence differences between alternative 2{R}b arrangements were exploited in the design of a {PCR} diagnostic assay, which was evaluated against the known chromosomal banding pattern of laboratory colonies and field-collected samples from {M}ali and {C}ameroon. {R}esults: {T}he breakpoints of the 7.55 {M}b 2{R}b inversion are flanked by extensive runs of the same short 72 bp) tandemly organized sequence, which was likely responsible for chromosomal breakage and rearrangement. {A}pplication of the molecular diagnostic assay suggested that 2{R}b has a single common origin in {A}n. gambiae and its sibling species, {A}nopheles arabiensis, and also that the standard arrangement 2{R}+(b)) may have arisen twice through breakpoint reuse. {T}he molecular diagnostic was reliable when applied to laboratory colonies, but its accuracy was lower in natural populations. {C}onclusions: {T}he complex repetitive sequence flanking the 2{R}b breakpoint region may be prone to structural and sequence-level instability. {T}he 2{R}b molecular diagnostic has immediate application in studies based on laboratory colonies, but its usefulness in natural populations awaits development of complementary molecular tools.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}alaria {J}ournal}, volume = {9}, numero = {}, pages = {293}, ISSN = {1475-2875}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.1186/1475-2875-9-293}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053142}, }