@article{fdi:010053102, title = {{G}eochemistry and spatial distribution of heavy metals in {O}xisols in a mineralized region of the {B}razilian {C}entral {P}lateau}, author = {{B}urak, {D}. {L}. and {F}ontes, {M}. {P}. {F}. and {S}antos, {N}. {T}. and {M}onteiro, {L}. {V}. {S}. and {M}artins, {E}. {D}. and {B}ecquer, {T}hierry}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he majority of the soils of the {C}entral {P}lateau of {B}razil are product of long time development over stable surfaces, usually associated with erosion and re-deposition cycles. {I}n this context, to successfully study the geochemistry and spatial distribution of heavy metals, it is essential to understand the geology as well as the geomorphology of the landscape and the properties of the metals related to their mobility. {T}he main objective of this work was to evaluate contents of naturally occurring heavy metals ({C}o, {C}u, {M}n, {N}i, {P}b and {Z}n) in some highly weathered tropical soils as related to their geochemistry, geology and geomorphology. {A}dditionally, it was aimed to interpret the spatial distribution patterns of these metals and of major elements ({A}l, {F}e, {T}i and {M}g), evaluating the association and taking the influence of the geology and geomorphology into consideration. {I}n geo-referenced sites, ranging from 480 to 1040 m in altitude, samples were collected at two depths (0-20 and 60-80 cm), ground, sieved, and prepared for analysis. {H}eavy metals and major element contents were determined by extraction with aqua regia. {D}escriptive statistics, {P}earson correlation coefficients, {P}rincipal {C}omponents {A}nalysis ({PCA}) and spatial variability analyses were conducted and soil metal concentrations for the whole area were predicted by kriging (interpolation). {A} close association between {P}b, {Z}n, and {M}n was observed using {PCA} and {P}earson's correlation. {H}ighest concentrations of {P}b, {Z}n, and {M}n were determined in soils between 650 and 550 m altitude surrounding the dolomite massif hills and {A}mbrosia and {F}agundes mineral deposits. {C}opper and {F}e were found to be geochemically associated with highest concentrations observed in soils formed from carbonaceous phyllite with quartzite layers. {C}obalt and {N}i concentrations were associated with areas characterized geomorphologically as alluvial-colluvial deposits at the lowest altitudes within the region. {A}lthough there is a marked dispersive action of tropical weathering on metal distribution in the region, {C}u, {P}b, and {Z}n were found spatially associated with their geological source. {T}his probably happens because of greater affinity of those metals to {F}e and {M}n oxides formed predominantly under tropical conditions and present in higher concentrations near to the sources of these heavy metals. {O}n the other hand, both the low affinity of {N}i and {C}o for these oxide minerals and the region's geomorphology allowed for their migration towards the drainage network to the regions of sediment accumulation at lower altitudes during the landscape's evolution.}, keywords = {{T}race elements ; {M}etals dispersion ; {G}eomorphology ; {G}eology ; {M}ineral deposits}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eoderma}, volume = {160}, numero = {2}, pages = {131--142}, ISSN = {0016-7061}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.1016/j.geoderma.2010.08.007}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053102}, }