@article{fdi:010053092, title = {{N}atural polymorphisms of {HIV}-1 {CRF}01_{AE} integrase coding region in {ARV}-naive individuals in {C}ambodia, {T}hailand and {V}ietnam : an {ANRS} {AC}12 working group study}, author = {{N}ouhin, {J}. and {D}onchai, {T}awee and {K}hanh, {T}. {H}. {H}. and {K}en, {S}. and {K}amkorn, {J}iraporn and {T}on, {T}. and {A}youba, {A}hidjo and {P}eeters, {M}artine and {C}haix, {M}. {L}. and {T}ruong, {X}. {L}. and {N}errienet, {E}. and {N}go-{G}iang-{H}uong, {N}icole}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {HIV} integrase enzyme is essential for the {HIV} life cycle as it mediates integration of {HIV}-1 proviral {DNA} into the infected cell's genome. {R}ecently, the development of drugs capable of inhibiting integrase has provided major new options for {HIV}-infected, treatment-experienced patients with multidrug resistant virus, as well treatment-naive patients. {M}ore than 40 amino acid substitutions within integrase have been described as associated mostly with resistance of {HIV} {B}-subtypes to currently available integrase inhibitors ({INI}s). {W}e have analyzed the natural polymorphisms of the integrase coding region in 87 anti retroviral-naive subjects (32 from {C}ambodia, 37 from {T}hailand and 18 from {V}ietnam) infected with {CRF}01_{AE} virus, the predominant {HIV}-1 strain circulating in {S}outheast {A}sia. {T}he 864 bp integrase coding region was sequenced using the {ANRS} consensus sequencing technique from plasma samples, and amino acid results were interpreted for drug resistance according to the {ANRS} ({U}pdated {J}uly 2009, version 18) and {S}tanford algorithms ({V}ersion {N}ovember 6, 2009). {A}lignment of the 87 amino acid sequences against the 2004 {L}os {A}lamos {HIV}-1 clade {B} consensus sequence showed that overall, 119 of 288 (41.3%) amino acid positions presented at least one polymorphism each. {S}ubstitutions found in >60% of study subjects occurred at: {K}14, {A}21, {V}31, {S}39,172, {T}112, {T}124, {T}125, {G}134, 1135, {K}136, {D}167, {V}201, {L}234 and {S}283. {A}lso, new amino acid substitutions of as yet unknown significance were identified: {E}152{K}/{H}, {S}153{F}/{L}, {N}1551 and {E}157{G}. {N}one of the known integrase resistance mutations were observed, except {E}157{Q} found in one {C}ambodian subject (1.1%, {CI} 95% 0.02-6.3%). {T}he clinical impact of this substitution on resistance of {B} and non{B}-viruses to the licensed {INI} raltegravir is unclear. {I}f this substitution is confirmed to compromise the virologic response to raltegravir, further studies will be needed to better assess the prevalence of this substitution among {CRF}01_{AE} virus.}, keywords = {{HIV}-1 integrase ; {R}esistance mutations ; {A}ntiretroviral naive ; {S}outh {E}ast {A}sia}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nfection {G}enetics and {E}volution}, volume = {11}, numero = {1}, pages = {38--43}, ISSN = {1567-1348}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1016/j.meegid.2010.10.014}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053092}, }