@article{fdi:010053061, title = {{A}n environmentally induced tidal periodicity of microgrowth increment formation in subtidal populations of the clam {R}uditapes philippinarum}, author = {{P}oulain, {C}. and {L}orrain, {A}nne and {F}lye-{S}ainte-{M}arie, {J}. and {A}mice, {E}. and {M}orize, {E}ric and {P}aulet, {Y}. {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he periodicity of increment formation in the shell of the {M}anila clam {R}uditapes philippinarum was investigated in the subtidal zone of the {A}uray {R}iver estuary ({S}outh {B}rittany, {F}rance). {C}alcein markings were performed at different periods between {M}ay and {O}ctober 2007 using in situ benthic chambers tented by scuba divers. {T}his study shows that shell microgrowth increments were well-defined and deposited with a tidal periodicity in the subtidal zone, providing the calendar base for high-resolution ecological studies and environmental reconstruction from these {R}. philippinarum shells. {E}ndogenous rhythmicity in shell microgrowth increment formation and oxygen consumption was previously documented in this species from intertidal flats. {O}ur study suggests that, in the subtidal zone, {M}anila clams' rhythmic activity may be controlled by such an endogenous process, synchronized by tidal cues. {A}s in other bivalves, {R}. philippinarum is an osmoconformer euryhaline bivalve. {T}he tidal rhythmicity of shell microgrowth increments in subtidal specimens of this species could be explained by a behavioral adaptation of valve closure at low tide to protect the clam from low salinities and/or to synchronize with food availability. {F}inally, large inter-individual variability in tidally associated growth rates and asynchronous growth breaks were observed, and could be due to genetic variability between individuals, asynchronous partial spawning events or predation.}, keywords = {{A}ctivity ; {E}stuarine waters ; {R}uditapes philippinarum ; {S}hell microgrowth ; increments ; {S}ubtidal zone ; {T}idal rhythmicity}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {E}xperimental {M}arine {B}iology and {E}cology}, volume = {397}, numero = {1}, pages = {58--64}, ISSN = {0022-0981}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jembe.2010.11.001}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053061}, }