@article{fdi:010053054, title = {{N}ematode resistance in bananas : screening results on some new {M}ycosphaerella resistant banana hybrids}, author = {{Q}u{\'e}n{\'e}herv{\'e}, {P}atrick and {S}almon, {F}. and {T}opart, {P}atrick and {H}orry, {J}. {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}anana hybrids with resistance to {Y}ellow {S}igatoka and {B}lack {L}eaf {S}treak disease were evaluated for resistance to the burrowing nematode {R}adopholus similis and to the lesion nematode {P}ratylenchus co{V}eae in a growth chamber at 24-28. {P}lants produced by tissue culture were acclimatised for 6 weeks prior to inoculation. {F}orty-five days after inoculation with nematodes, the root systems were processed and nematode numbers assessed. {T}wo cultivars of {G}rande {N}aine ({M}usa {AAA}, {C}avendish subgroup, {ITC}1256 and cv902) and one cultivar of {Y}angambi {K}m5 ({M}usa {AAA}, {I}bota subgroup, {ITC}1123) were used respectively as susceptible and resistant controls. {R}esults based on multiplication rates and root infestations showed that three of these hybrids ({FB}918, {FB}919 and {FB}924) were not significantly different from the resistant control {Y}angambi {K}m5 with a lower multiplication of {R}. similis. {S}imilarly four of these hybrids ({FB}918, {FB}919, {FB}920, {FB}924) showed a lower multiplication of {P}. coffeae, not significantly different from the same resistant control. {T}his is the first study that shows a partial resistance to both nematode species, {R}. similis and {P}. coffeae within synthetic hybrids of {M}. acuminata, adding an important extra value to these dessert banana hybrids formerly bred to resist to {M}ycosphaerella leaf spot diseases.}, keywords = {{M}usa acuminata ; {H}ybrid ; {R}esistance ; {N}ematode ; {R}adopholus similis ; {P}ratylenchus coffeae}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}uphytica}, volume = {165}, numero = {1}, pages = {137--143}, ISSN = {0014-2336}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1007/s10681-008-9774-6}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053054}, }