@article{fdi:010053026, title = {{N}ear infrared reflectance spectroscopy : a tool to characterize the composition of different types of exogenous organic matter and their behaviour in soil}, author = {{P}eltre, {C}. and {T}huri{\`e}s, {L}. and {B}arth{\`e}s, {B}ernard and {B}runet, {D}idier and {M}orvan, {T}. and {N}icolardot, {B}. and {P}arnaudeau, {V}. and {H}ouot, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n addition to total organic carbon and nitrogen, potential organic carbon mineralization under controlled laboratory conditions and indicators such as the indicator of remaining organic carbon in soil ({I}-{ROC}), based on {V}an {S}oest biochemical fractionation and short-term carbon mineralization in soil, are used to predict the evolution of exogenous organic matter ({EOM}) after its application to soils. {T}he purpose of this study was to develop near infrared reflectance spectroscopy ({NIRS}) calibration models that could predict these characteristics in a large dataset including 300 {EOM}s representative of the broad range of such materials applied to cultivated soils (plant materials, animal manures, composts, sludges. etc.). {T}he {NIRS} predictions of total organic matter and total organic carbon were satisfactory ({R}(2)p = 0.80 and 0.85, ratio of performance to deviation, {RPD}p = 2.2 and 2.6, respectively), and prediction of the {V}an {S}oest soluble, cellulose and holocellulose fractions were acceptable ({R}(2)p = 0.82, 0.73 and 0.70. {RPD}p = 2.3, 1.9 and 1.8, respectively) with coefficients of variation close to those of the reference methods. {T}he {NIRS} prediction of carbon mineralization during incubation was satisfactory and indeed better regarding the short-term results of mineralization ({R}(2)p = 0.78 and 0.78, and {RPD}p = 2.1 and 2.0 for 3 and 7 days of incubation, respectively). {T}he {I}-{ROC} indicator was predicted with fairly good accuracy ({R}(2)p = 0.79, {RPD}p = 2.2). {V}ariables related to the long-term {C} mineralization of {EOM} in soil were not predicted accurately, except for {I}-{ROC} which was based on analytical and well-identified characteristics, probably because of the increasing interactions and complexity of the factors governing {EOM} mineralization in soil as a function of incubation time. {T}his study demonstrated the possibility of developing {NIRS} predictive models for {EOM} characteristics in heterogeneous datasets of {EOM}s. {H}owever. specific {NIRS} predictive models still remain necessary for sludges, organo-mineral fertilizers and liquid manures.}, keywords = {{C}arbon mineralization ; {C}haracterization ; {C}ompost ; {D}egradability ; {I}ndicators ; {M}anure ; {N}ear infrared reflectance spectroscopy ; {S}oil ; organic matter ; {V}an {S}oest fractionation}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}oil {B}iology and {B}iochemistry}, volume = {43}, numero = {1}, pages = {197--205}, ISSN = {0038-0717}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1016/j.soilbio.2010.09.036}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053026}, }