@article{fdi:010053011, title = {{C}ontrasting spatial distribution and risk factors for past infection with scrub typhus and murine typhus in {V}ientiane {C}ity, {L}ao {PDR}}, author = {{V}all{\'e}e, {J}ulie and {T}haojaikong, {T}. and {M}oore, {C}. {E}. and {P}hetsouvanh, {R}. and {R}ichards, {A}. {L}. and {S}ouris, {M}arc and {F}ournet, {F}lorence and {S}alem, {G}{\'e}rard and {G}onzalez, {J}ean-{P}aul and {N}ewton, {P}. {N}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {T}he aetiological diagnostic of fevers in {L}aos remains difficult due to limited laboratory diagnostic facilities. {H}owever, it has recently become apparent that both scrub and murine typhus are common causes of previous undiagnosed fever. {E}pidemiological data suggests that scrub typhus would be more common in rural areas and murine typhus in urban areas, but there is very little recent information on factors involved in scrub and murine typhus transmission, especially where they are sympatric - as is the case in {V}ientiane, the capital of the {L}ao {PDR}. {M}ethodology and {P}rincipal {F}indings: {W}e therefore determined the frequency of {I}g{G} seropositivity against scrub typhus ({O}rientia tsutsugamushi) and murine typhus ({R}ickettsia typhi), as indices of prior exposure to these pathogens, in randomly selected adults in urban and peri-urban {V}ientiane {C}ity (n = 2,002, >= 35 years). {A}nti-scrub and murine typhus {I}g{G} were detected by {ELISA} assays using filter paper elutes. {W}e validated the accuracy of {ELISA} of these elutes against {ELISA} using serum samples. {T}he overall prevalence of scrub and murine typhus {I}g{G} antibodies was 20.3% and 20.6%, respectively. {S}crub typhus seropositivity was significantly higher among adults living in the periphery (28.4%) than in the central zone (13.1%) of {V}ientiane. {I}n contrast, seroprevalence of murine typhus {I}g{G} antibodies was significantly higher in the central zone (30.8%) as compared to the periphery (14.4%). {I}n multivariate analysis, adults with a longer residence in {V}ientiane were at significant greater risk of past infection with murine typhus and at lower risk for scrub typhus. {T}hose with no education, living on low incomes, living on plots of land with poor sanitary conditions, living in large households, and farmers were at higher risk of scrub typhus and those living in neighborhoods with high building density and close to markets were at greater risk for murine typhus and at lower risk of scrub typhus past infection. {C}onclusions: {T}his study underscores the intense circulation of both scrub and murine typhus in {V}ientiane city and underlines difference in spatial distribution and risk factors involved in the transmission of these diseases.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}los {N}eglected {T}ropical {D}iseases}, volume = {4}, numero = {12}, pages = {e909}, ISSN = {1935-2727}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pntd.0000909}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053011}, }