@article{fdi:010052978, title = {{S}ealevel history recorded in the {P}leistocene carbonate sequence in {IODP} {H}ole 310-{M}0005{D}, off {T}ahiti}, author = {{I}ryu, {Y}. and {T}akahashi, {Y}. and {F}ujita, {K}. and {C}amoin, {G}. and {C}abioch, {G}uy and {M}atsuda, {H}. and {S}ato, {T}. and {S}ugihara, {K}. and {W}ebster, {J}. {M}. and {W}estphal, {H}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}aterial cored during the {I}ntegrated {O}cean {D}rilling {P}rogram ({IODP}) {E}xpedition 310 '{T}ahiti {S}ea {L}evel' revealed that the fossil reef systems around {T}ahiti are composed of two major stratigraphic sequences: (i) a last deglacial sequence; and (ii) an older {P}leistocene sequence. {T}he older {P}leistocene carbonate sequence is composed of reef deposits associated with volcaniclastic sediments and was preserved in {H}ole 310-{M}0005{D} drilled off {M}araa. {W}ithin an approximately 70-m-thick older {P}leistocene sequence (33.22-101.93 m below seafloor; 92.85-161.56 m below present sealevel) in this hole, 11 depositional units are defined by lithological changes, sedimentological features, and paleontological characteristics and are numbered sequentially from the top of the hole downward ({S}ubunits {P}1-{P}11). {P}aleowater depths inferred from nongeniculate coralline algae, combined with those determined by using corals and larger foraminifers, suggest two major sealevel rises during the deposition of the older {P}leistocene sequence. {O}f these, the second sealevel rise is associated with an intervening sealevel drop. {I}t is likely that the second sealevel rise corresponds to that during {T}ermination {II} ({TII}, the penultimate deglaciation, from {M}arine {I}sotope {S}tages 6 to 5e). {T}herefore, the intervening sealevel drop can be correlated with that known as the 'sealevel reversal' during {TII}. {B}ecause there are limited data on the {P}leistocene reef systems in the tropical {S}outh {P}acific {O}cean, this study provides important information about {P}leistocene sealevel history, the evolution of coral reef ecosystems, and the responses of coral reefs to {Q}uaternary climate changes.}, keywords = {{DP} {H}unter ; {H}ole {M}0005{D} ; {IODP} {E}xpedition 310 '{T}ahiti {S}ea {L}evel' ; {P}leistocene ; sealevel change ; {T}ahiti}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}sland {A}rc}, volume = {19}, numero = {4}, pages = {690--706}, ISSN = {1038-4871}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1440-1738.2010.00737.x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010052978}, }