@article{fdi:010052941, title = {{A}ssociation of {KIR}2{DS}1 and {KIR}2{DS}3 with fatal outcome in {E}bola virus infection}, author = {{W}auquier, {N}. and {P}adilla, {C}. and {B}ecquart, {P}ierre and {L}eroy, {E}ric and {V}ieillard, {V}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{Z}a{\¨ie}re ebolavirus ({ZEBOV}) infection rapidly outruns the host's immunity and leads to death within a week. {F}atal cases have been associated with an aberrant innate, proinflammatory immune response followed by a suppressed adaptive response leading to the rapid depletion of peripheral {NK} cells and lymphocytes. {A} critical role for {NK} cells has been suggested but not elucidated. {I}n this genetic study, we investigated the association of {KIR} genotype with disease outcome by comparing genotypes of a {G}abonese control population, {I}g{G}+ contacts, survivors, and fatalities of {ZEBOV} infection. {W}e showed that the activating {KIR}2{DS}1 and {KIR}2{DS}3 genes associate with fatal outcome in {E}bola virus infection. {I}n addition, this study brings supplemental evidence in favor of the specificity of the {I}g{G}+ contact population. {T}he outcome of fulminating {E}bola virus infection could depend in part on the host's inherited {KIR} gene repertoire. {T}his supports a key role for {KIR}s in disease susceptibility to infections.}, keywords = {{E}bola ; {KIR} ; {N}atural killer cells ; {KIR}2{DS}1 ; {KIR}2{DS}3}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}mmunogenetics}, volume = {62}, numero = {11-12}, pages = {767--771}, ISSN = {0093-7711}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.1007/s00251-010-0480-x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010052941}, }