@article{fdi:010052939, title = {{G}enetic and physical mapping of the {S}({H})3 region that confers resistance to leaf rust in coffee tree ({C}offea arabica {L}.)}, author = {{L}ashermes, {P}hilippe and {C}ombes, {M}arie-{C}hristine and {R}ibas, {A}lessandra and {C}enci, {A}lberto and {M}ah{\'e}, {L}. and {E}tienne, {H}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{R}esistance to coffee leaf rust is conferred by {S}({H})3, a major dominant gene that has been introgressed from a wild coffee species {C}offea liberica (genome {L}) into the allotetraploid cultivated species, {C}offea arabica (genome ({CE}a)-{E}-a). {A}s the first step toward the map-based cloning of the {S}({H})3 gene, using a bacterial artificial chromosome ({BAC}) library, we describe the construction of a physical map in {C}. arabica spanning the resistance locus. {T}his physical map consists in two homeologous {BAC}-contigs of 1,170 and 1,208 kb corresponding to the subgenomes {C}-a and {E}-a, respectively. {G}enetic analysis was performed using a single nucleotide polymorphism detection assay based on {S}anger sequencing of amplicons. {T}he {C}. liberica-derived chromosome segment that carries the {S}({H})3 resistance gene appeared to be introgressed on the sub-genome {C}-a. {T}he position of the {S}({H})3 locus was delimited within an interval of 550 kb on the physical map. {I}n addition, our results indicated a sixfold reduction in recombination frequency in the introgressed {S}({H})3 region compared to the orthologous region in {C}offea canephora.}, keywords = {{M}ap-based cloning ; {P}olyploid ; {SNP} ; {I}ntrogression ; {R}ecombination ; {C}offee}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}ree {G}enetics and {G}enomes}, volume = {6}, numero = {6}, pages = {973--980}, ISSN = {1614-2942}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.1007/s11295-010-0306-x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010052939}, }