@article{fdi:010051865, title = {{E}missao de gases do efeito estufa em diferentes usos da terra no bioma cerrado = {G}reenhouse gas emission caused by different land-uses in {B}razilian savannah}, author = {{N}eto, {M}. {S}. and {P}iccolo, {M}. {D}. and {C}osta, {C}. and {C}erri, {C}. {C}. and {B}ernoux, {M}artial}, editor = {}, language = {{POR}}, abstract = {{T}he conversion of native forests by cutting and burning into farming areas leads to alterations in the dynamics of soil organic matter, with changes in emissions of greenhouse gases ({GHG}s: {CO}2, {CH}4 and {N}2{O}) from the biosphere to the atmosphere. {T}hese cause an average temperature rise and, consequently, global climate change. {T}he aim of this study was to examine relationships between the fluxes of {CO}2, {CH}4 and {N}2{O} with moisture, microbial biomass and inorganic {N} forms in soil with different land uses in the {C}errado biome ({R}io {V}erde county, {S}tate of {G}oias - {B}razil). {T}he climate ({K}oppen-{G}eiger) was classified as {A}w and the soil as {L}atossolo {V}ermelho distrofico caulinitico {I} a clayey kaolinitic {O}xisol under original {C}errado ({B}razilian savanna) vegetation. {T}he experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design ({CRD}) with four treatments (areas): {N}ative vegetation - {C}errado ({CE}); brachiaria pasture ({PA}); soybean in conventional tillage ({SC}) and no-tillage ({NT}) corn followed by millet. {N}o significant differences in annual {CO}2 and {N}2{O} emissions were observed between treatments. {T}his can be explained by the variability of gas fluxes due to climate seasonality, with lower emissions in the winter due to low soil moisture. {M}ean emissions of {CO}2 were 108.9 +/- 85.6 mu g m(-2) h(-1), and {N}2{O} 13.5 +/- 7.6 mu g m(-2) h(-1). {F}or {CH}4 significant differences in the fluxes were only observed in pasture (32 mu g m(-2) h(-1)), while in the other areas inflows between 46 and 15 mu g m(-2) h(-1) were observed. {T}he {GHG} fluxes showed close correlation with soil moisture. {T}he {N}-{NO}3- emissions were significantly correlated with {CO}2-emissions in all areas. {C}onsidering all treatments together, the three {GHG} fluxes were correlated with the microbial {C} and {N} contents. {H}owever, the {C}micro: {N}micro ratio was not significantly correlated with the {GHG} flux. {O}nly for pasture the {CO}2 and {N}2{O} fluxes were correlated with the content of soil inorganic-{N}. {R}esults suggested that the {GHG} fluxes in the {C}errado are related to rainfall, mainly in farming areas treated with high fertilizer closes to increase productivity.}, keywords = {carbon dioxide ; methane ; nitrous oxide ; tillage ; conventional tillage}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}evista {B}rasileira de {C}iencia do {S}olo}, volume = {35}, numero = {1}, pages = {63--76}, ISSN = {0100-0683}, year = {2011}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010051865}, }