@inproceedings{fdi:010051728, title = {{S}urvenue des premi{\`e}res infections palustres chez le nouveau-n{\'e} : d{\'e}terminants g{\'e}n{\'e}tiques, biologiques et environnementaux}, author = {{G}arcia, {A}ndr{\'e} and {C}ot, {M}ichel and {L}e {P}ort, {A}. and {C}ottrell, {G}illes and {M}igot {N}abias, {F}lorence and {D}echavanne, {C}. and {C}ourtin, {D}avid and {M}ilet, {J}acqueline and {K}oura, {G}. and {O}u{\'e}draogo, {S}. and {P}ierrat, {C}. and {L}okossou, {A}. and {N}uel, {G}. and {W}atier, {L}. and {T}abeaud, {M}. and {M}artin-{P}r{\'e}vel, {Y}ves and {C}handre, {F}abrice and {F}ayomi, {B}. and {M}assougbodji, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {}, keywords = {{PALUDISME} ; {TRANSMISSION} ; {NOUVEAU} {NE} ; {FEMME} ; {GROSSESSE} ; {IMMUNITE} ; {ENVIRONNEMENT} ; {SENSIBILITE} {RESISTANCE} ; {SYSTEME} {D}'{INFORMATION} {GEOGRAPHIQUE} ; {PROGRAMME} {DE} {RECHERCHE} ; {GEOGRAPHIE} {DE} {LA} {SANTE} ; {IMPACT} {DE} {L}'{ENVIRONNEMENT} ; {RISQUE} {SANITAIRE}}, numero = {}, pages = {12}, booktitle = {{C}olloque bilan des projets financ{\'e}s dans le cadre du programme {SEST} 2006}, year = {2011}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010051728}, }