@article{fdi:010051431, title = {{V}alidation of {ADEOS}-{II} {GLI} ocean color products using in-situ observations}, author = {{M}urakami, {H}. and {S}asaoka, {K}. and {H}osoda, {K}. and {F}ukushima, {H}. and {T}oratani, {M}. and {F}rouin, {R}. and {M}itchell, {B}. {G}. and {K}ahru, {M}. and {D}eschamps, {P}.{Y}. and {C}lark, {D}. and {F}lora, {S}. and {K}ishino, {M}. and {S}aitoh, {S}. and {A}sanuma, {I}. and {T}anaka, {A}. and {S}asaki, {H}. and {Y}okouchi, {K}. and {K}iyomoto, {Y}. and {S}aito, {H}. and {D}upouy, {C}{\'e}cile and {S}iripong, {A}. and {M}atsumura, {S}. and {I}shizaka, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {G}lobal {I}mager ({GLI}) aboard the {A}dvanced {E}arth {O}bserving {S}atellite-{II} ({ADEOS}-{II}) made global observations from 2 {A}pril 2003 to 24 {O}ctober 2003. {I}n cooperation with several institutes and scientists, we obtained quality controlled match-ups between {GLI} products and in-situ data, 116 for chlorophyll-a concentration ({CHLA}), 249 for normalized water-leaving radiance (n{L}w) at 443 nm, and 201 for aerosol optical thickness at 865 nm ({T}au_865) and {A}ngstrom exponent between 520 and 865 nm ({A}ngstrom). {W}e evaluated the {GLI} ocean color products and investigated the causes of errors using the match-ups. {T}he median absolute percentage differences ({M}ed{PD}) between {GLI} and in-situ data were 14.1-35.7% for n{L}ws at 380-565 nm 52.5-74.8% n{L}ws at 625-680 nm, 47.6% for {T}au_865, 46.2% for {A}ngstrom, and 46.6% for {CHLA}, values that are comparable to the ocean-color products of other sensors. {W}e found that some errors in {GLI} products are correlated with observational conditions; n{L}w values were underestimated when n{L}w at 680 nm was high, {CHLA} was underestimated in absorptive aerosol conditions, and {T}au_865 was overestimated in sunglint regions. {T}he error correlations indicate that we need to improve the retrievals of the optical properties of absorptive aerosols and seawater and sea surface reflection for further applications, including coastal monitoring and the combined use of products from multiple sensors.}, keywords = {remote sensing ; validation ; ocean color ; atmospheric correction ; chlorophyll ; {ADEOS} 2 ; {GLI} ; match up}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {O}ceanography}, volume = {62}, numero = {3}, pages = {373--393}, ISSN = {0916-8370}, year = {2006}, DOI = {10.1007/s10872-006-0062-6}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010051431}, }