@article{fdi:010049888, title = {{I}ntroducing mungbean as a preceding crop to enhance nitrogen uptake and yield of rainfed rice in the north-east of {T}hailand}, author = {{S}uriyakup, {P}. and {P}olthanee, {A}. and {P}annangpetch, {K}. and {K}atawatin, {R}. and {M}ouret, {J}. {C}. and {C}lermont {D}auphin, {C}athy}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}ne possible management option for farmers to improve the soil nitrogen ({N}) supply for rice production is the cultivation of a prior legume. {T}he objective of this study was to investigate the value of such an option in the lowland of the north-east of {T}hailand. {T}wo experiments were established in 2 typical locations in a split-plot design with 4 replicates. {T}he main plots included 3 nitrogen levels (0, 30, and 60 kg {N}/ha) and the subplots, 4 pre-rice managements: (i) fallow with weeds removed ({FW}-); (ii) with weeds incorporated before the rice crop ({FW}+); (iii) mungbean incorporated at flowering as green manure ({MGM}); or (iv) incorporated after grains harvest ({MR}+). {I}n both experiments the difference in rice yield between {MGM} and {MR}+ was not significant. {I}n {E}xpt 1, in contrast to {E}xpt 2, the rice yield increase due to {MR}+ was significant and significantly higher than that due to application of 60 kg {N}/ha. {M}oreover, significantly higher apparent recovery of {N} ({ANR}(m), kg {N} uptake increase/kg {N} supplied by residues), probably due to the continuous flooding of the soil surface, was achieved in this experiment. {T}he low values of internal efficiency of {N} ({IEN}, kg total grains/kg total {N} uptake), {ANR}(f) ({D}elta kg {N} uptake/kg {N} supplied by fertiliser), and of {ANUE}(f) ({D}elta kg grains/kg applied {N} fertiliser) recorded in the {MR}+ treatment of {E}xpt 1, suggest that no application of {N} fertiliser is needed where the soil water conditions allow high recovery of the {N} supplied by a preceding mungbean crop.}, keywords = {apparent {N} recovery ; internal {N} efficiency ; mungbean residues ; {N} dilution curves ; rice crop}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}ustralian {J}ournal of {A}gricultural {R}esearch}, volume = {58}, numero = {11}, pages = {1059--1067}, ISSN = {0004-9409}, year = {2007}, DOI = {10.1071/{AR}06309}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010049888}, }