@article{fdi:010049781, title = {{E}cological niche partitioning between {A}nopheles gambiae molecular forms in {C}ameroon: the ecological side of speciation}, author = {{S}imard, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {A}yala, {D}iego and {K}amdem, {G}.{C}. and {P}ombi, {M}. and {E}touna, {J}. and {O}se, {K}enji and {F}otsing, {J}ean-{M}arie and {F}ontenille, {D}idier and {B}esansky, {N}.{J}. and {C}ostantini, {C}arlo}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground. {S}peciation among members of the {A}nopheles gambiae complex is thought to be promoted by disruptive selection and ecological divergence acting on sets of adaptation genes protected from recombination by polymorphic paracentric chromosomal inversions. {H}owever, shared chromosomal polymorphisms between the {M} and {S} molecular forms of {A}n. gambiae and insufficient information about their relationship with ecological divergence challenge this view. {W}e used {G}eographic {I}nformation {S}ystems, {E}cological {N}iche {F}actor {A}nalysis, and {B}ayesian multilocus genetic clustering to explore the nature and extent of ecological and chromosomal differentiation of {M} and {S} across all the biogeographic domains of {C}ameroon in {C}entral {A}frica, in order to understand the role of chromosomal arrangements in ecological specialisation within and among molecular forms.{R}esults. {S}pecies distribution modelling with presence-only data revealed differences in the ecological niche of both molecular forms and the sibling species, {A}n. arabiensis. {T}he fundamental environmental envelope of the two molecular forms, however, overlapped to a large extent in the rainforest, where they occurred in sympatry. {T}he {S} form had the greatest niche breadth of all three taxa, whereas {A}n. arabiensis and the {M} form had the smallest niche overlap. {C}orrespondence analysis of {M} and {S} karyotypes confirmed that molecular forms shared similar combinations of chromosomal inversion arrangements in response to the eco-climatic gradient defining the main biogeographic domains occurring across {C}ameroon. {S}avanna karyotypes of {M} and {S}, however, segregated along the smaller-scale environmental gradient defined by the second ordination axis. {P}opulation structure analysis identified three chromosomal clusters, each containing a mixture of {M} and {S} specimens. {I}n both {M} and {S}, alternative karyotypes were segregating in contrasted environments, in agreement with a strong ecological adaptive value of chromosomal inversions.{C}onclusion. {O}ur data suggest that inversions on the second chromosome of {A}n. gambiae are not causal to the evolution of reproductive isolation between the {M} and {S} forms. {R}ather, they are involved in ecological specialization to a similar extent in both genetic backgrounds, and most probably predated lineage splitting between molecular forms. {H}owever, because chromosome-2 inversions promote ecological divergence, resulting in spatial and/or temporal isolation between ecotypes, they might favour mutations in other ecologically significant genes to accumulate in unlinked chromosomal regions. {W}hen such mutations occur in portions of the genome where recombination is suppressed, such as the pericentromeric regions known as speciation islands in {A}n. gambiae, they would contribute further to the development of reproductive isolation.}, keywords = {{PALUDISME} ; {VECTEUR} ; {MOUSTIQUE} ; {REPARTITION} {GEOGRAPHIQUE} ; {SPECIATION} ; {FACTEUR} {ECOLOGIQUE} ; {NICHE} {ECOLOGIQUE} ; {HABITAT} ; {ABONDANCE} ; {POLYMORPHISME} {GENETIQUE} ; {STRUCTURE} {GENETIQUE} ; {STRUCTURE} {DE} {POPULATION} ; {CHROMOSOME} ; {INVERSION} ; {CARYOTYPE} ; {EVOLUTION} ; {CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{BMC} {E}cology}, volume = {9}, numero = {17}, pages = {1--24}, ISSN = {1472-6785}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1186/1472-6785-9-17}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010049781}, }