@article{fdi:010049701, title = {{F}unctional changes in the control of carbon fluxes after 3 years of increased drought in a {M}editerranean evergreen forest ?}, author = {{M}isson, {L}. and {R}ocheteau, {A}lain and {R}ambal, {S}. and {O}urcival, {J}. {M}. and {L}imousin, {J}. {M}. and {R}odriguez, {R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}ur objective was to test how a long-term increased water limitation affects structural and functional properties of a {M}editerranean ecosystem, and how these changes modify the response of the main carbon fluxes to climatic controls. {I}n 2003, a 27% throughfall exclusion experiment was installed in a {Q}uercus ilex {L}. forest in {F}rance. {G}ross primary production ({GPP}), ecosystem respiration ({R}-{ECO}) and net ecosystem exchange ({NEE}) were estimated in a control and a dry treatment. {D}ecreasing throughfall decreased {GPP} by 14% and had a smaller effect on {R}-{ECO} (-12%), especially soil respiration {R}-{S} (-11%). {I}nterannual variability of {GPP} (29%) was higher than for {R}-{ECO} (12%). {E}rror propagation was used to estimates uncertainties in the {NEE} fluxes, which ranged from 3% to 10% in the control treatment but up to 167% for {NEE} in the dry treatment because more steps and data types were involved in the scaling. {A}fter 3 years of throughfall exclusion, we found no acclimation of {R}-{S} to climatic drivers. {F}unctional properties of the response of {R}-{S} to soil water, temperature and rain pulse remained similar in the control and the dry treatments. {A} diurnal clockwise hysteresis in {R}-{S} was probably controlled by canopy photosynthesis with a 3 h lag. {T}he proportion of diurnal variation of respiration due to photosynthesis was similar in all treatments (4-5%). {B}ecause of the characteristic of rain in {M}editerranean climates, a continuous decrease of water input in these environments have an effect on topsoil water and consequently on {R}-{S} only during short periods when rainfall is characterized by infrequent and small events that does not allow the topsoil to reach field capacity and does not allow to dry completely. {H}owever, in the longer term, we expect a stronger decrease in {R}-{S} in the dry treatment driven by the decrease in {GPP}.}, keywords = {eddy-covariance ; error propagation ; gross primary production ; {Q}(10) ; {Q}uercus ilex ; rain pulse ; soil respiration ; throughfall exclusion}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}lobal {C}hange {B}iology}, volume = {16}, numero = {9}, pages = {2461--2475}, ISSN = {1354-1013}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.02121.x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010049701}, }