@article{fdi:010049678, title = {{G}enome wide linkage study, using a 250{K} {SNP} map, of {P}lasmodium falciparum infection and mild malaria attack in a {S}enegalese population}, author = {{M}ilet, {J}acqueline and {N}uel, {G}. and {W}atier, {L}. and {C}ourtin, {D}avid and {S}laoui, {Y}. and {S}enghor, {P}aul and {M}igot {N}abias, {F}lorence and {G}aye, {O}. and {G}arcia, {A}ndr{\'e}}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}ultiple factors are involved in the variability of host's response to {P}. falciparum infection, like the intensity and seasonality of malaria transmission, the virulence of parasite and host characteristics like age or genetic make-up. {A}lthough admitted nowadays, the involvement of host genetic factors remains unclear. {D}iscordant results exist, even concerning the best-known malaria resistance genes that determine the structure or function of red blood cells. {H}ere we report on a genomewide linkage and association study for {P}. falciparum infection intensity and mild malaria attack among a {S}enegalese population of children and young adults from 2 to 18 years old. {A} high density single nucleotide polymorphisms ({SNP}) genome scan ({A}ffimetrix {G}ene{C}hip {H}uman {M}apping 250{K}-nsp) was performed for 626 individuals: i.e. 249 parents and 377 children out of the 504 ones included in the follow-up. {T}he population belongs to a unique ethnic group and was closely followed-up during 3 years. {G}enome-wide linkage analyses were performed on four clinical and parasitological phenotypes and association analyses using the family based association tests ({FBAT}) method were carried out in regions previously linked to malaria phenotypes in literature and in the regions for which we identified a linkage peak. {A}nalyses revealed three strongly suggestive evidences for linkage: between mild malaria attack and both the 6p25.1 and the 12q22 regions (empirical p-value = 5 x 10(-5) and 96 x 10(-5) respectively), and between the 20p11q11 region and the prevalence of parasite density in asymptomatic children (empirical p-value = 1.5 x 10(-4)). {F}amily based association analysis pointed out one significant association between the intensity of plasmodial infection and a polymorphism located in {ARHGAP}26 gene in the 5q31-q33 region (p-value = 3.7 x 10(-5)). {T}his study identified three candidate regions, two of them containing genes that could point out new pathways implicated in the response to malaria infection. {F}urthermore, we detected one gene associated with malaria infection in the 5q31-q33 region.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}los {O}ne}, volume = {5}, numero = {7}, pages = {e11616}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0011616}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010049678}, }