@article{fdi:010049664, title = {{V}ariabilidad espacial y temporal de la materia orgánica sedimentaria, asociada a la {Z}ona de {M}ínimo {O}xígeno ({ZMO}), en un ambiente costero del norte de la corriente de {H}umboldt, bahía de {M}ejillones, {C}hile}, author = {{G}uinez, {M}. and {V}aldes, {J}. and {S}ifeddine, {A}bdelfettah}, editor = {}, language = {{SPA}}, abstract = {{T}his work analyzes the seasonal and spatial variability of the {O}xygen {M}inimum {Z}one ({OMZ}) and its influence on the composition of the organic matter deposited on the bottom sediments of {M}ejillones {B}ay. {T}he obtained results indicate that the upper limit of the {OMZ} fluctuated during the year between 20 and 45 m depth. {I}n summer, this limit ranged from 20 to 35 m depth, whereas in winter it ranged from to 40 to 55 m depth. {A}ccording to a {R}ock-{E}val analysis, the organic matter present in the deepest sediments (100 m) is better preserved than the shalow material (35 m). {T}his analysis revealed that the sediment deposited in the bay is marine phytoplanktonic in origin ({T}ype {II}) and immature. {T}he ratio of total sulfur to total organic carbon ranges from 0.8 to 3.9% at station {A} (35 m) and from 5.7 to 10.3% at the deeper stations (70 and 100 m). {T}he {C}:{N} ratio in the sediments varies between cold and warm periods, with respective averages of 9.13 and 7.74 and a wintertime peak of 11%. {T}he {ANDEVA} results indicate that the dissolved oxygen ({P} < 0.001), total carbon ({C}) ({P} < 0.001), total nitrogen ({N}) ({P} < 0.008), total organic carbon ({TOC}) ({P} < 0.001), and hydrogen index ({HI}) (mg {HC} g {COT}-1) ({P} < 0.019) differ significantly by depth. {T}he dissolved oxygen concentration was found to be related to the conservation of organic matter in the sediments: the organic matter in the deeper sediments was preserved better due to the effect of the {OMZ}.}, keywords = {preservation ; organic matter ; coastal upwelling ; coastal marine system ; {C}hile ; southeastern ; {P}acific}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{L}atin {A}merican {J}ournal of {A}quatic {R}esearch}, volume = {38}, numero = {2}, pages = {242--253}, ISSN = {0718-560{X}}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.3856/vol38-issue2-fulltext-9}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010049664}, }