@article{fdi:010049636, title = {{F}irst serological evidence of {W}est {N}ile virus in human rural populations of {G}abon}, author = {{P}ourrut, {X}avier and {N}koghe, {D}. and {P}aweska, {J}. and {L}eroy, {E}ric}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}o investigate {W}est {N}ile virus ({WNV}) circulation in rural populations in {G}abon, we undertook a large serological survey focusing on human rural populations, using two different {ELISA} assays. {A} sample was considered positive when it reacted in both tests. {A} total of 2320 villagers from 115 villages were interviewed and sampled. {S}urprisingly, the {WNV}-specific {I}g{G} prevalence was high overall (27.2%) and varied according to the ecosystem: 23.7% in forested regions, 21.8% in savanna, and 64.9% in the lakes region. {T}he {WNV}-specific {I}g{G} prevalence rate was 30% in males and 24.6% in females, and increased with age. {A}lthough serological cross-reactions between flaviviruses are likely and may be frequent, these findings strongly suggest that {WNV} is widespread in {G}abon. {T}he difference in {WNV} prevalence among ecosystems suggests preferential circulation in the lakes region. {T}he linear increase with age suggests continuous exposure of {G}abonese populations to {WNV}. {F}urther investigations are needed to determine the {WNV} cycle and transmission patterns in {G}abon.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{V}irology {J}ournal}, volume = {7}, numero = {}, pages = {132}, ISSN = {1743-422{X}}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.1186/1743-422x-7-132}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010049636}, }