@article{fdi:010049609, title = {{R}elationship between soil moisture and vegetation in the {K}airouan plain region of {T}unisia using low spatial resolution satellite data}, author = {{Z}ribi, {M}ehrez and {A}nguela, {T}.{P}. and {D}uchemin, {B}eno{\^i}t and {L}ili, {Z}. and {W}agner, {W}. and {H}asenauer, {S}. and {C}hehbouni, {A}bdelghani}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he present paper proposes an empirical approach for the modeling of vegetation development, using moisture measurements only. {T}he study is based simply on the use of two databases: one containing soil moisture products derived from {ERS} scatterometer data over the period 1991-2006 and the other containing normalized difference vegetation indices ({NDVI}) derived from advanced very high resolution radiometer over the period 1991-2000. {T}he study is applied over the {K}airouan plain, the central semiarid region of {T}unisia ({N}orth {A}frica). {S}oil moisture products were first validated on the basis of comparisons with {G}lobal {S}oil {W}etness {P}roject, {P}hase 2 {D}ata, outputs and rainfall events. {T}he soil moisture distribution during the rainy period between {O}ctober and {M}ay is described and is found to be correlated with the vegetation dynamics estimated using the {NDVI} products. {F}inally, a semiempirical model is proposed, based on satellite moisture and {NDVI} products, which allows the {NDVI} value to be estimated for a period of 1 month during the rainy season as a function of the moisture profile estimations obtained during the previous months. {T}his approach could prove very useful and provide a simple tool for the modeling of vegetation dynamics during rainy seasons in semiarid regions.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{W}ater {R}esources {R}esearch}, volume = {46}, numero = {}, pages = {{W}06508}, ISSN = {0043-1397}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.1029/2009wr008196}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010049609}, }