@article{fdi:010049524, title = {{A}n acaricide-treated net to control phytophagous mites}, author = {{M}artin, {T}. and {A}ssogba-{K}omlan, {F}. and {S}idick, {I}. and {A}hle, {V}. and {C}handre, {F}abrice}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} new technique to control phytophagous mites was tested in {W}est {A}frica on the {A}frican eggplant {S}olanum macrocarpon. {T}his technique consisted of covering plants with a net impregnated with the acaricide dicofol. {T}he net was applied during the night to protect the net fabric and the active ingredient from {UV} degradation and to avoid interference of the net with overhead watering. {T}he technique was evaluated in three trials at the {INRAB} research station and in a grower's field in 2006 and 2007. {R}esults showed that the broad mite {P}olyphagotarsonemus latus ({B}anks), the major pest of {S}. macrocarpon which causes severe damage to leaves, and spider mites ({T}etranychus spp.), were completely controlled by the dicofol-treated net {V}ery few mites and practically no mite injury were observed on plants covered with the dicofol-treated net compared to 12-94% damaged leaves in the unprotected control plots. {T}he acaricide-treated net was as efficient when used temporarily (once every three nights) as when used every night. {N}o difference in the percentages of leaves damaged by mites was apparent at harvest between plots covered with a non-acaricide deltamethrin-treated net (40%) and unprotected control (32%). {T}his new concept of mite control using an acaricide-treated net temporarily covering vegetable crop appears to be an efficient tool which is easy to use. {I}t can be used repeatedly reducing costs and poses a very low risk of environmental pollution when used in the dry season or in greenhouses.}, keywords = {{A}caricide-treated net ; {P}olyphagotarsonemus lotus ; {T}etranychus spp. ; {D}icofol ; {S}olanum macrocarpon}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}rop {P}rotection}, volume = {29}, numero = {5}, pages = {470--475}, ISSN = {0261-2194}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.1016/j.cropro.2009.11.004}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010049524}, }