@article{fdi:010049503, title = {{S}uspended sediment and dissolved load budgets of two {A}mazonian rivers from the {G}uiana {S}hield : {M}aroni {R}iver at {L}anga {T}abiki and {O}yapock {R}iver at {S}aut {M}aripa ({F}rench {G}uiana)}, author = {{S}ondag, {F}rancis and {G}uyot, {J}ean-{L}oup and {M}oquet, {J}.{S}. and {L}araque, {A}lain and {A}d{\`e}le, {G}eorges and {C}ochonneau, {G}{\'e}rard and {D}oudou, {J}ean-{C}laude and {L}agane, {C}hristelle and {V}auchel, {P}hilippe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his study presents the data collected within the framework of an {O}bservatory of {R}esearch in {E}nvironment on the {A}mazonian {B}asin-the {ORE} {HYBAM}. {I}t relates to the dissolved and solid loads of the two main rivers of {F}rench {G}uiana, the {M}aroni and {O}yapock rivers, running on the {G}uiana {S}hield and draining respectively 64 230 and 24 630 km(2). {T}he low coefficient of variation of the average annual flows of the two rivers indicates an inter-annual hydrological stability probably related to the immediate vicinity of the {A}tlantic {O}cean. {T}he sedimentary load is mainly composed of quartz and kaolinite. {T}he total suspended solid ({TSS}) concentrations are among the world's lowest values; they range from 1 to 130 mg l(-1) during the hydrological cycle, with averages of 22 and 12 mg l(-1), for the {M}aroni and {O}yapock rivers, respectively. {T}he seasonal variability of these values is significantly higher than that of hydrologic flows, but without simple relationship with the discharge. {W}ater chemical composition of the two rivers indicates a very weak mineralization, very similar to that found in the {A}mazonian rivers running on the {B}razilian and {G}uianese shields, and in the {C}ongo {R}iver and its tributaries in the {C}entral {A}frican {S}hield. {S}easonal variations are observed in both basins; they correspond to higher concentrations during low water stage (from {O}ctober to {F}ebruary) and to more diluted water during the flood, from {A}pril to {J}uly. {A} signature enriched in {C}l- is present at the {S}aut {M}aripa station on the {O}yapock {R}iver indicating a more marked influence of the trade winds in this basin. {T}he computation of atmospheric contributions to ions budget indicated a weak contribution for {C}a2+ and {M}g2+, which originates mainly from water-rock interactions in both stations, while more than half of {N}a+ is derived from atmospheric inputs.}, keywords = {hydrology ; suspended sediment ; geochemistry ; {F}rench {G}uiana ; {A}mazon region}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{H}ydrological {P}rocesses}, volume = {24}, numero = {11}, pages = {1433--1445}, ISSN = {0885-6087}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.1002/hyp.7603}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010049503}, }