@article{fdi:010049433, title = {{D}iversity and distribution of type specimens deposited in the {I}nvertebrate section of the {M}useum of {Z}oology {QCAZ}, {Q}uito, {E}cuador}, author = {{D}onoso, {D}. {A}. and {S}alazar, {F}. and {M}aza, {F}. and {C}ardenas, {R}. {E}. and {D}angles, {O}livier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {I}nvertebrate section of the {M}useum of {Z}oology {QCAZ} at the {P}ontifical {C}atholic {U}niversity of {E}cuador in {Q}uito maintains nearly two million curated specimens, and comprises {E}cuador's largest collection of native taxa. {W}e review 1902 type specimens from 6 subspecies and 320 species in 121 genera and 42 families, currently kept in the {M}useum. {T}he list includes 116 holotypes, 10 allotypes, 1774 paratypes and 2 neoparatypes. {T}he collection of type specimens is particularly strong in the {C}oleoptera (family {C}arabidae and {S}taphylinidae) and {H}ymenoptera. {H}owever, other insect orders such as {D}iptera and {L}epidoptera and non-insect arthropods such as {A}cari, {A}ranea and {S}corpiones, are moderately represented in the collection. {T}his report provides original data from labels of every type specimen record. {A}n analysis of the geographic distribution of type localities showed that collection sites are clustered geographically with most of them found towards the northern region of {E}cuador, in {P}ichincha, {C}otopaxi and {N}apo provinces. {S}ites are mainly located in highly accessible areas near highways and towns. {L}ocalities with a high number of type species include the cloud forest reserve {B}osque {I}ntegral {O}tonga and {P}arque {N}acional {Y}asuni in the {A}mazon rainforest near {PUCE}'s {Y}asuni {S}cientific {S}tation. {T}ype localities are not well represented in the {E}cuadorian {N}ational {S}ystem of {P}rotected {A}reas. {F}uture fieldwork should include localities in the southern region of {E}cuador but also target less accessible areas not located near highways or towns. {W}e discuss the value of the collection as a source of information for conservation and biodiversity policies in {E}cuador.}, keywords = {{QCAZ} {M}useum ; {I}nvertebrates ; {T}ype specimens ; {E}cuador ; {C}onservation}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}nnales de la {S}oci{\'e}t{\'e} {E}ntomologique de {F}rance}, volume = {45}, numero = {4}, pages = {437--454}, ISSN = {0037-9271}, year = {2009}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010049433}, }