@article{fdi:010049431, title = {{D}iversity and distribution models of horse flies ({D}iptera : {T}abanidae) from {E}cuador}, author = {{C}ardenas, {R}. {E}. and {B}uestan, {J}. and {D}angles, {O}livier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}orldwide information about {T}abanidae is biased toward taxonomical research, which has been the main source of diversity data for this group of flies. {I}n {E}cuador, studies on horse flies have been irregular since the first descriptions of three {A}ndean specimens in 1848. {C}atalogues, checklists and collections in national museums demonstrate that despite its size, {E}cuador is at present the richest country in number of tabanids species in the {N}eotropics after {B}razil, {C}olombia and {M}exico, and has one of the highest numbers of species per unit area. {T}he tabanofauna is predominantly shared with {C}olombia (62.6%), {P}eru (47%), {B}razil (35.9%), {P}anama (35.4%), and {V}enezuela (30.3%) that have biogeographic areas in common with {E}cuador. {E}ndemism rate of this group is around 12.6%, with {D}iachlorus, {D}icladocera, {E}senbeckia, {E}ristalotabanus (monotypic), and {L}eucotabanus genera as the most representatives. {W}e add new records of {T}abanidae for the country. {T}he genus {H}emichrysops was recorded for first time. {T}he number of species in {E}cuador now totals 198. {A} catalogue of all {E}cuadorian species is compiled with a localities-gazetteer. {W}e also present and discuss for the first time, the distribution of well known horse flies species ({C}hrysops varians var. tardus, {D}icladocera macula and {F}idena rhinophora) using georeferenced localities and niche modelling analyses.}, keywords = {{A}ndes ; {B}iogeography ; {N}eotropical {R}egion ; {N}iche modelling ; {T}abanomorpha}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}nnales de la {S}oci{\'e}t{\'e} {E}ntomologique de {F}rance}, volume = {45}, numero = {4}, pages = {511--528}, ISSN = {0037-9271}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1080/00379271.2009.10697633}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010049431}, }